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Image, Knife, and Gluepot: Early Assemblage in Manuscript and Print
Dutch Crossing ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-14 , DOI: 10.1080/03096564.2019.1681058
Diane Heath 1

victim. The book by Koopmans finally contains some chapters, which test certain assumptions, for example, concerning the newspapers’ accuracy in describing contemporary events, like the Shipworm disaster in the 1730s. Did news on war and diplomacy always travel the shortest way? Was the Dutch censorship really as weak as foreign observers claimed? Koopman’s volume fits well with the growing interest in the early modern news market. News was disseminated in different ways, although the new genres were rather distinct in themselves. The volume shows Koopmans as a diligent reader and observer of the news market, which we still do not understand in all of its details. Especially, the role of censorship is hard to tell. Newspaper editors usually had no reason to engage in politics, which restricted the censorship cases quite often to matters of the prince’s honour. However, that could be harmed easily. What’s more, if censorship was weak, why then were news on local events so very late, and not just in the Netherlands? What can we learn from creating digitalized databases on printed and handwritten newspapers about the ways in which news travelled, translated and edited? Moreover, are the results of a big data analysis worth the enormous investments in time and resources necessary to produce the database? Finally, contemporaries emphasized the proximity of news and historiography, as a rule. But what does that say about their understanding of both genres? These are some of the questions that occur, while reading the multi-faceted book by Koopmans. There is still a lot to do. However, Koopmans takes us a long way by presenting his insights. I do hope, he will continue in his efforts to investigate the Dutch news market.


