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Security, Resilience and Participatory Urban Upgrading in Latin America and the Caribbean
Development and Change ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-14 , DOI: 10.1111/dech.12595
Tina Hilgers

ABSTRACT In theory, security and resilience in contexts of violence and crime are improved by participatory urban upgrading Yet, upgrading practices actually demonstrate how vulnerabilities to violence, insecurity and crime are reproduced by state?society and intra-community power hierarchies On the one hand, the priorities and perspectives of politicians and bureaucrats continue to take precedence over the needs and demands of residents of marginalized communities, undermining participation On the other hand, the internal socio-political structures of marginalized communities complicate the capacity and willingness of residents and external state actors to engage with each other The result is that upgrading programmes are not particularly successful in ordering development and security or in creating resilience Internal processes have a greater impact on residents? choices in their daily struggles to survive and thrive, but the resilience they create is limited because power and resources tend to be centralized and sometimes linked to crime groups This article uses the cases of Kingston (Jamaica) and S?o Paulo (Brazil) to highlight these power hierarchies and how they impede the resilience project of participatory urban upgrading processes in contexts of crime and violence



边缘化社区的内部社会政治结构使居民和外部国家行为者相互交往的能力和意愿复杂化 结果是升级计划在促进发展和安全或创造复原力方面并不是特别成功 内部过程具有更大的影响对居民?他们在为生存和繁荣的日常斗争中做出选择,但他们创造的复原力是有限的,因为权力和资源往往是集中的,有时还与犯罪集团有关 本文使用金斯敦(牙买加)和圣保罗(巴西)的案例强调这些权力等级以及它们如何在犯罪和暴力的背景下阻碍参与式城市升级过程的复原力项目