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Book Review: Olivier de Sardan, Jean-Pierre and Emmanuelle Piccoli (eds) Cash Transfers in Context: An Anthropological Perspective
Critical Social Policy ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-06 , DOI: 10.1177/0261018320913968a
Anna Wolkenhauer 1

Bilson A and Martin KE (2016) ‘Referrals and Child Protection in England: One in Five Children Referred to Children’s Services and One in Nineteen Investigated before the Age of Five’, British Journal of Social Work 47(3): 793–811. Cooper V and Whyte D (2017) The Violence of Austerity. London: Pluto. Disabled People Against the Cuts (DPAC) (n.d.). Available at: https://dpac.uk.net/ research/ MacAlister J, Rose R, Ruseler M, Wise R, Hiskins R, Khagram A, Baghera E, Aslanidis J and Martin B (2019) A Blueprint for Children’s Social Care: Unlocking the Potential for Social Work. Available at: https://www.centreforpublicimpact.org/ putting-relationships-first-radical-new-approach-childrens-social-care-england/ Murphy T (2016) ‘The Frontline Programme: Conservative Ideology and the Creation of a Social Work Officer Class’, Critical and Radical Social Work 4(2): 279–287. Wastell D and White S (2017) Blinded by Science: The Social Implications of Epigenetics and Neuroscience. Bristol: Policy Press.


书评:Olivier de Sardan、Jean-Pierre 和 Emmanuelle Piccoli (eds) 上下文中的现金转移:人类学视角

Bilson A 和 Martin KE(2016 年)“英格兰的转介和儿童保护:五分之一的儿童转介到儿童服务机构,十九分之一的儿童在五岁之前接受调查”,英国社会工作杂志 47(3):793–811。Cooper V 和 Whyte D (2017) 紧缩的暴力。伦敦:冥王星。残疾人反对削减 (DPAC) (nd)。网址:https://dpac.uk.net/research/ MacAlister J、Rose R、Ruseler M、Wise R、Hiskins R、Khagram A、Baghera E、Aslanidis J 和 Martin B(2019 年)儿童社会关怀蓝图:释放社会工作的潜力。可在:https://www.centreforpublicimpact.org/put-relationships-first-radical-new-approach-childrens-social-care-england/ Murphy T (2016) 'The Frontline Programme: Conservative Ideology and the Creation of a社会工作主任班', 批判性和激进的社会工作 4(2):279-287。瓦斯特尔 D 和怀特 S (2017) 被科学蒙蔽了双眼:表观遗传学和神经科学的社会影响。布里斯托尔:政策出版社。