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Land, development and the political class: In a translocal ‘Londoni’ village
Contributions to Indian Sociology ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0069966720919239
Ashraf Hoque 1

This article expands Akhil Gupta’s (1995, American Ethnologist, 22(2), 375–402) thesis of ‘blurred boundaries’ between ‘the state’ and ‘society’ in South Asia to incorporate the impact of historic labour migrations, which complicate established conceptions of the state in Bangladesh. Based on ethnographic fieldwork in an area of high migration to the UK, the article draws attention to a class of transnational politicians, and their intra-class conflicts of interest, in shaping local-level politics. The article supports Faguet’s (2017, Modern Asian Studies 51(6), 1668–94) contention that the decentralisation of local government has led to the emergence of vernacularised political economies that operate in the shadow of the state, which are also intrinsically facilitated by it. It suggests that state actors appropriate symbols, offices and resources, together with traditional authority and kinship dynamics, to create an idiosyncratic polity. Aspiration towards power that might lead to the occupation of state offices are determined by either the aspirant’s status as a British citizen (Londoni) or through intimate social and economic connections to Britain through kinship (gushti) networks. The article thus makes a broader contribution to the existing literature on the anthropology of the state, transnational politics and the nexus of power, money and migration in postcolonial contexts.



本文扩展了 Akhil Gupta (1995, American Ethnologist, 22(2), 375–402) 关于南亚“国家”和“社会”之间“界限模糊”的论点,以纳入历史性劳动力迁移的影响,这使得既定的孟加拉国的国家观念。基于对英国高移民地区的人种学实地考察,本文提请注意一类跨国政治家,以及他们在塑造地方政治方面的阶级内部利益冲突。这篇文章支持 Faguet (2017, Modern Asian Studies 51(6), 1668-94) 的论点,即地方政府的权力下放导致了在国家阴影下运作的本土化政治经济的出现,这也从本质上得到了促进它。它建议国家行为者适当的象征、职位和资源,与传统的权威和亲属关系一起,创造一个特殊的政体。对权力的渴望可能导致担任国家公职,这取决于候选人的英国公民身份 (Londoni) 或通过亲属关系 (gushti) 网络与英国的亲密社会和经济联系。因此,本文对后殖民背景下关于国家人类学、跨国政治以及权力、金钱和移民的关系的现有文献做出了更广泛的贡献。对权力的渴望可能导致担任国家公职,这取决于候选人的英国公民身份 (Londoni) 或通过亲属关系 (gushti) 网络与英国的亲密社会和经济联系。因此,本文对后殖民背景下关于国家人类学、跨国政治以及权力、金钱和移民的关系的现有文献做出了更广泛的贡献。对权力的渴望可能导致担任国家公职,这取决于候选人的英国公民身份 (Londoni) 或通过亲属关系 (gushti) 网络与英国的亲密社会和经济联系。因此,本文对后殖民背景下关于国家人类学、跨国政治以及权力、金钱和移民的关系的现有文献做出了更广泛的贡献。