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The appropriation of traditional media content in online contexts: A South Korean textbook case
Communication Monographs ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-16 , DOI: 10.1080/03637751.2019.1641730
Yoori Yang 1 , Cynthia Stohl 1

ABSTRACT This study explores the appropriation of traditional media content in an online protest context and highlights the significance of legacy media to activists’ communication practices online. Appropriation refers to the direct transfer of content originally produced in traditional media into social media posts. Focusing on the massive 2015 South Korean protests in opposition to the government’s decision to issue a single state-history textbook, a content analysis of activists’ posts on three social media platforms finds that activists utilize traditional media content to a greater degree than personalized action frames. Interviews suggest that activists are motivated to appropriate legacy media’s content by their need for legitimacy and expediency. Platform type was closely associated with the frequency and type of activists’ appropriation.



摘要 本研究探讨了在线抗议环境中传统媒体内容的盗用,并强调了传统媒体对活动家在线交流实践的重要性。挪用是指将最初在传统媒体中产生的内容直接转移到社交媒体帖子中。关注 2015 年韩国反对政府决定发行单一国家历史教科书的大规模抗议活动,对活动人士在三个社交媒体平台上的帖子进行的内容分析发现,活动人士更多地利用传统媒体内容,而不是个性化的行动框架. 采访表明,活动家出于对合法性和权宜之计的需要,有动机去挪用传统媒体的内容。平台类型与活动家挪用的频率和类型密切相关。