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Spatial morphology of an Australian high street: a century of retail change in Subiaco town centre
Australian Geographer ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-05 , DOI: 10.1080/00049182.2019.1682317
Paul Drechsler 1

ABSTRACT This paper describes an empirical case study of the Subiaco town centre in Western Australia. The research method employs geospatial mapping of archival and contemporary data sources to explore the town centre's changing spatial structure and high street morphology at the micro-scale over the past century. Once a thriving retail and business centre, Subiaco's (and possibly the state's), premier retail high street destination is now being compromised as the disruptive influence of online retailing gains further traction in the marketplace. Retail disruption provides the paper's conceptual foundation. Agents of disruption include the processes of creative destruction and innovation diffusion, which together with macro-economic factors help to explain the centre's evolution over time and space. The paper examines changes in the town centre's morphological character including residential gentrification, a growing dominance of fast food outlets, an overabundance of comparison stores and a more gendered offering in retail and personal services establishments. The paper also refers to the potential of the town centre to regain its past residential status as a means of fostering economic growth and renewal and suggests that this will only be achieved with radical intervention at the policy and planning level.



摘要 本文描述了西澳大利亚苏比亚科镇中心的实证案例研究。该研究方法利用档案和当代数据源的地理空间映射来探索过去一个世纪以来城镇中心在微观尺度上不断变化的空间结构和商业街形态。曾经繁荣的零售和商业中心,Subiaco(也可能是该州)的主要零售大街目的地现在正在受到损害,因为在线零售的破坏性影响在市场上获得了进一步的牵引力。零售中断为本文提供了概念基础。破坏的因素包括创造性破坏和创新扩散的过程,这与宏观经济因素一起有助于解释中心随时间和空间的演变。这篇论文研究了市中心形态特征的变化,包括住宅高档化、快餐店的主导地位越来越高、比较商店过多以及零售和个人服务机构中更加性别化的产品。该文件还提到了市中心作为促进经济增长和复兴的一种手段恢复其过去居住地位的潜力,并建议只有在政策和规划层面进行激进干预才能实现这一目标。