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Consolidating information on disability-inclusive policies: a case study on white papers in Mongolia from the perspective of international technical cooperation
Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development ( IF 1.433 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-13 , DOI: 10.1080/02185385.2020.1713208
Masateru Higashida 1, 2

ABSTRACT This exploratory and practical case study examines one country’s white papers on disability policies whilst drawing upon experiences of an international technical cooperation project. The creation process, contents, and functions of white papers on disability in Mongolia are analysed descriptively using document data and the author’s field notes. This case study on the practice which can be considered macro social work reveals that the creation of the Mongolian white papers was a constructive and dynamic process, participated in by both domestic and international actors. It was found that white papers have multiple functions, such as sharing fundamental information to promote the participation of disabled people and to monitor disability-inclusive policies. This article evinces how white papers on disability can be a foundation of knowledge and information on disability-inclusive policies and development for various stakeholders.



摘要 本探索性和实用案例研究在借鉴国际技术合作项目经验的同时,审查了一个国家关于残疾政策的白皮书。使用文献数据和作者的田野笔记,描述性地分析了蒙古残疾问题白皮书的创建过程、内容和功能。这个可以被视为宏观社会工作实践的案例研究表明,蒙古白皮书的创建是一个建设性和动态的过程,由国内和国际参与者共同参与。研究发现,白皮书具有多种功能,例如共享基本信息以促进残疾人的参与和监测残疾包容性政策。