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Australian and New Zealand Veterinary Students’ Ranking of Issues in Aquatic Animal Welfare and Ethics
Anthrozoös ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-03 , DOI: 10.1080/08927936.2020.1746522
Janice K. F. Lloyd 1 , Teresa Collins 2 , Amelia R. Cornish 3 , Christopher Degeling 4 , Anne Fawcett 3 , Andrew D. Fisher 5 , Rafael Freire 6 , Susan J. Hazel 7 , Jennifer Hood 2 , Jane Johnson 8 , Clive J. C. Phillips 9 , Kevin J. Stafford 10 , Vicky Tzioumis 11 , Paul D. McGreevy 3

ABSTRACT The welfare of aquatic animals is receiving increasing attention around the world, and this should be reflected in the veterinary curricular. Veterinary students in Australia and New Zealand ranked the importance of five pre-selected topics on aquatic animal welfare and ethical issues for newly qualified veterinarians in an online survey. They ranked aquatic animals’ health and welfare issues, husbandry techniques of farmed fish, and the use of antibiotics as being of high importance for their first day in practice, with pain and distress associated with angling and trawling practices (fishing) and euthanasia ranking moderate to high. Females assigned more importance to fishing, health and welfare issues, and husbandry techniques of farmed fish than did males. Students in the early stages of study assigned more importance to fishing than did senior students. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to investigate what importance veterinary students place on their competence regarding aquatic animal welfare and ethics. Gaining an understanding of how veterinary students prioritize these issues, and if this differs based on gender and stage of study, will help veterinary educators to better prepare graduates to address concerns surrounding the welfare of aquatic animals. This could be achieved by careful consideration of course content and where in the curriculum this material is taught, as well as reiterating key messages in the senior years and addressing changing student attitudes as they progress through the course.



摘要 水生动物的福利在世界范围内受到越来越多的关注,这应该反映在兽医课程中。澳大利亚和新西兰的兽医学生在一项在线调查中对五个关于水生动物福利和伦理问题的预选主题对新合格兽医的重要性进行了排名。他们将水生动物的健康和福利问题、养殖鱼类的养殖技术以及抗生素的使用列为第一天实践中非常重要的问题,与钓鱼和拖网作业(捕鱼)和安乐死相关的痛苦和痛苦排名中等到高。与男性相比,女性更重视捕鱼、健康和福利问题以及养殖鱼类的养殖技术。与高年级学生相比,学习初期的学生对钓鱼的重视程度更高。据作者所知,这是第一项调查兽医学生对他们在水生动物福利和伦理方面的能力的重要性的研究。了解兽医学生如何优先考虑这些问题,如果这因性别和学习阶段而有所不同,将有助于兽医教育者更好地为毕业生做好准备,以解决围绕水生动物福利的问题。这可以通过仔细考虑课程内容和在课程中教授这些材料的位置,以及在高年级重申关键信息并解决学生在课程进展过程中不断变化的态度来实现。这是第一项调查兽医学生对他们在水生动物福利和伦理方面的能力的重视程度的研究。了解兽医学生如何优先考虑这些问题,如果这因性别和学习阶段而有所不同,将有助于兽医教育者更好地为毕业生做好准备,以解决围绕水生动物福利的问题。这可以通过仔细考虑课程内容和在课程中教授这些材料的位置,以及在高年级重申关键信息并解决学生在课程进展过程中不断变化的态度来实现。这是第一项调查兽医学生对他们在水生动物福利和伦理方面的能力的重视程度的研究。了解兽医学生如何优先考虑这些问题,如果这因性别和学习阶段而有所不同,将有助于兽医教育者更好地为毕业生做好准备,以解决围绕水生动物福利的问题。这可以通过仔细考虑课程内容和在课程中教授这些材料的位置,以及在高年级重申关键信息并解决学生在课程进展过程中不断变化的态度来实现。如果这因性别和学习阶段而异,将有助于兽医教育者更好地培养毕业生,以解决围绕水生动物福利的问题。这可以通过仔细考虑课程内容和在课程中教授这些材料的位置,以及在高年级重申关键信息并解决学生在课程进展过程中不断变化的态度来实现。如果这因性别和学习阶段而异,将有助于兽医教育者更好地培养毕业生,以解决围绕水生动物福利的问题。这可以通过仔细考虑课程内容和在课程中教授这些材料的位置,以及在高年级重申关键信息并解决学生在课程进展过程中不断变化的态度来实现。