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Unhealthy Aid: Food Security Programming and Disaster Responses to Cyclone Pam in Vanuatu
Anthropological Forum ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-03 , DOI: 10.1080/00664677.2019.1647830
Chelsea Wentworth 1

ABSTRACT In this paper, I examine the disconnect between government and NGO responses to Cyclone Pam, and previous healthy food initiatives in Port Vila, Vanuatu. Decades of nutrition education programs across Vanuatu have urged families to limit their consumption of tinned meat and imported food in favour of locally grown fruits and vegetables. These dietary guidelines call on families to watch their food consumption in order to raise healthy children and avoid serious non-communicable diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. In spite of these guidelines, the food aid offered after Cyclone Pam, on which many ni-Vanuatu depended, consisted primarily of imported white rice, tinned meat, and instant noodles – foods previously labelled unhealthy in nutrition education campaigns. Humanitarian agencies often envision disaster relief as a short-term intervention. However, the cyclone exacerbated inequality across Port Vila, magnifying socioeconomic disparities and associated food insecurity that existed before the cyclone, forcing many families to rely reluctantly on unhealthy food aid. Drawing on research conducted over several fieldwork trips from 2010 to 2016, I discuss food security and nutrition programs in Vanuatu and how ni-Vanuatu families interpreted disaster relief efforts in the context of existing nutrition programming. I argue that disaster preparedness has not accounted for the values promoted in nutrition education programs, the health needs of the community, or food preferences. I conclude with a call for the creation of culturally appropriate responses to natural disaster relief efforts so as to promote sustainable food security measures.



摘要 在本文中,我考察了政府和非政府组织对飓风帕姆的反应与瓦努阿图维拉港以前的健康食品倡议之间的脱节。瓦努阿图数十年的营养教育计划敦促家庭限制肉类罐头和进口食品的消费,以支持当地种植的水果和蔬菜。这些饮食指南呼吁家庭注意他们的食物消费,以养育健康的孩子并避免严重的非传染性疾病,如高血压和糖尿病。尽管有这些指导方针,但许多瓦努阿图人依赖的飓风帕姆之后提供的粮食援助主要包括进口白米、罐头肉和方便面——以前在营养教育活动中被标记为不健康的食物。人道主义机构通常将救灾视为一种短期干预措施。然而,飓风加剧了维拉港的不平等,扩大了飓风之前存在的社会经济差距和相关的粮食不安全状况,迫使许多家庭不情愿地依赖不健康的粮食援助。借鉴 2010 年至 2016 年在几次实地考察中进行的研究,我讨论了瓦努阿图的粮食安全和营养计划,以及瓦努阿图家庭如何在现有营养计划的背景下解释救灾工作。我认为备灾并未考虑营养教育计划中提倡的价值观、社区的健康需求或食物偏好。