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Talking Circles: A Culturally Responsive Evaluation Practice
American Journal of Evaluation ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-10 , DOI: 10.1177/1098214019899164
Martha A. Brown 1 , Sherri Di Lallo 2

Talking Circles are safe spaces where relationships are built, nurtured, reinforced, and sometimes healed; where norms and values are established; and where people connect intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally with other members of the Circle. The Circle can also be an evaluation method that increases voice, decreases invisibility, and does not privilege one worldview or version of reality over another. The purpose of this article is to describe how the Circle can be a culturally responsive evaluation practice for those evaluators wishing to build relationships, share power, elicit stakeholder voice, solve problems, and increase participants’ capacity for program design, implementation, and evaluation. Circles can be used by both Indigenous and non-Indigenous evaluators. By offering the global evaluation community this concrete, practical, and culturally responsive approach, we open the door so that others can build on this work and offer additional insights as this practice is used, refined, and documented.



谈话圈是建立、培养、加强甚至治愈人际关系的安全空间;建立规范和价值观的地方;以及人们在智力、精神和情感上与圈子的其他成员联系的地方。Circle 也可以是一种评估方法,可以增加声音、降低隐身性,并且不会将一种世界观或现实版本置于另一种之上。本文的目的是描述对于那些希望建立关系、分享权力、引起利益相关者的声音、解决问题并提高参与者的项目设计、实施和评估能力的评估者来说,Circle 如何成为一种文化响应性评估实践。原住民和非原住民评估员都可以使用圆圈。通过向全球评估社区提供这种具体、实用、