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‘Bridging the gap between the intellectual and the human’: The awkward biography of anthropologist and scholar-activist Iona Simon Mayer (1923–)
African Studies ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-11 , DOI: 10.1080/00020184.2019.1569435
Andrew Bank 1

ABSTRACT This article tracks the coming together of anti-apartheid activism, feminism and humanism in the life and work of the social anthropologist and scholar-activist Iona Simon Mayer (1923–). Her biography is acutely awkward given her inner conflict and subsequent scholarly debate about the degree of acknowledgement that was due to her as a collaborator with her husband Philip during his fieldwork in Kenya in the late 1940s, but especially in the analysis and writing of Townsmen or Tribesmen (1961), a famous ethnography on the resilience of ‘Red’ Xhosa culture in East London. The article seeks to balance a recognition of the creative work that Iona achieved with her much-loved husband across decades of joint fieldwork, analysis and writing with her hitherto entirely unacknowledged independent contributions to African ethnography, closely associated with her involvement in a Black Sash feminist circle in Grahamstown of the 1970s. Iona’s feminism was of a more modern mould than that of the South African-born women who pioneered the field of social anthropology in the region in that it involved a vehement critique of patriarchy in African culture, drawing creatively on a dynamic new literature on the anthropology of performance but articulated in a typically eloquent denunciation of ‘hard-edged’ authoritarian power structures. Above all, the article tracks what Mayer retrospectively identified as an inner tension between ‘the intellectual’ and ‘the human’ across her anthropological career, making a case for a liberating period of resolution through her inter-related work as an anti-apartheid activist and feminist anthropologist.


“弥合知识分子与人类之间的鸿沟”:人类学家和学者活动家爱奥娜·西蒙·迈耶 (Iona Simon Mayer) 的尴尬传记 (1923–)

摘要 本文追踪了社会人类学家和学者活动家 Iona Simon Mayer (1923–) 在生活和工作中的反种族隔离激进主义、女权主义和人文主义的融合。考虑到她的内心冲突和随后的学术辩论,她的传记非常尴尬,因为她在 1940 年代后期在肯尼亚的田野工作期间与她的丈夫菲利普合作,但特别是在分析和写作城镇人或Tribesmen (1961),一部关于东伦敦“红色”科萨文化复原力的著名民族志。这篇文章试图平衡对 Iona 与她深爱的丈夫在数十年的联合田野调查、分析和写作中取得的创造性工作的认可,以及她迄今为止对非洲民族志完全未被承认的独立贡献,与她参与 1970 年代格雷厄姆斯敦的 Black Sash 女权主义圈子密切相关。与在该地区开创社会人类学领域的南非出生的妇女相比,爱奥娜的女权主义具有更现代的模式,因为它涉及对非洲文化中的父权制的强烈批评,创造性地借鉴了关于人类学的动态新文献表现,但在对“锋芒毕露”的专制权力结构的典型雄辩谴责中表达了出来。最重要的是,这篇文章追踪了梅耶在她的人类学生涯中回顾性地认为“知识分子”和“人类”之间的内在张力,通过她作为反种族隔离活动家的相互关联的工作,为解决解放时期提供了理由和女权主义人类学家。