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Book review: Africanistan. Development or Jihad
Africa Spectrum ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0002039719881453
Matthias Basedau 1

Sub-Saharan Africa has become a hotspot for jihadist conflicts in recent years. Originally, large-scale Islamist violence first emerged in the Horn of Africa, in Somalia. Then, in 2009, the Boko Haram insurgency materialised in Nigeria (which also has a history of Islamist violence). In 2012, the Tuareg rebellion in Mali took on a jihadist flavour, prompting a French-led international intervention in 2013. Since then, some progress has been made on the military front. Government and international forces have pushed back rebels, who have increasingly resorted to guerrilla warfare and terrorist attacks. At the same time, however, religious violence has spilled over to neighbouring countries, especially ones in the Sahel. The Sahelian countries of Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, and Niger are at the centre of the book by Serge Michailof, a highly experienced French development expert who now works at the think tank Fondation Pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Developpement International (FERDI). The book is entitled Africanistan. Development or Jihad, and the basic thesis of it is nicely summarised throughout: if well-coordinated and massive action is not taken, the Sahel or indeed Africa as a whole will end up in a mess like Afghanistan – what the author repeatedly terms the West’s failure in that country. The book is divided into four main parts. The first part deals with general threats to stability and growth in Africa such as demography and neglect of rural developments. The second and third part of the book make the case that the causes of jihadist violence are similar to those in Afghanistan; a few could be called the usual suspects. The Sahelian countries suffer from low development but a rapidly growing population, leaving millions of young people with few prospects in the job market. State institutions are characterised by clientelism, nepotism, or outright corruption, thus not only undermining the legitimacy of political systems but also blocking the reforms that may create genuine change and opportunity. In parts three and especially four, Michailof strongly argues in favour of professional local security forces, without which the military challenge posed by often well-equipped jihadists simply cannot be tackled. He also points to the import or export (depending on one’s perspective) of extremist religious ideology from Arab Gulf countries, with it finding fertile ground in weak states and economies. Africa Spectrum 2019, Vol. 54(2) 176–178 a The Author(s) 2019 Article reuse guidelines: sagepub.com/journals-permissions DOI: 10.1177/0002039719881453 journals.sagepub.com/home/afr



近年来,撒哈拉以南非洲已成为圣战冲突的热点。最初,大规模的伊斯兰暴力活动首先出现在索马里的非洲之角。然后,在 2009 年,博科圣地叛乱在尼日利亚发生(该国也有伊斯兰暴力的历史)。2012 年,马里的图阿雷格叛乱带有圣战色彩,促使法国在 2013 年进行了国际干预。此后,军事方面取得了一些进展。政府和国际部队击退了叛乱分子,他们越来越多地诉诸游击战和恐怖袭击。然而,与此同时,宗教暴力已经蔓延到邻国,尤其是萨赫勒地区的邻国。布基纳法索、乍得、马里和尼日尔等萨赫勒国家是塞尔吉·米哈伊洛夫这本书的中心,一位经验丰富的法国发展专家,现在在智库 Fondation Pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Developpement International (FERDI) 工作。这本书的名字是《非洲人》。发展或圣战,其基本论点自始至终都得到了很好的总结:如果不采取协调一致的大规模行动,萨赫勒地区或整个非洲最终将像阿富汗一样陷入混乱——作者一再将西方称为在那个国家失败。本书分为四个主要部分。第一部分涉及对非洲稳定和增长的普遍威胁,例如人口统计和对农村发展的忽视。本书的第二和第三部分论证了圣战暴力的起因与阿富汗的相似;有几个可以被称为通常的嫌疑人。萨赫勒国家发展缓慢,但人口迅速增长,使数百万年轻人在就业市场上前途渺茫。国家机构的特点是附庸、裙带关系或彻头彻尾的腐败,因此不仅破坏了政治制度的合法性,而且阻碍了可能创造真正变革和机会的改革。在第三部分,尤其是第四部分中,米哈伊洛夫强烈主张支持专业的地方安全部队,否则通常装备精良的圣战分子所带来的军事挑战根本无法解决。他还指出了来自阿拉伯海湾国家的极端主义宗教意识形态的进口或出口(取决于个人的观点),并在弱国和经济体中找到了沃土。非洲频谱 2019,卷。