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Remapping Pipelines and Pathways: Listening to Queer and Transgender Youth of Color’s Trajectories Through Girls’ Juvenile Justice Facilities
Affilia ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-11 , DOI: 10.1177/0886109919880517
Sarah Mountz 1

Queer and trans youth of color are disproportionately imprisoned in U.S. juvenile detention facilities where they are especially vulnerable to experiencing violence, isolation, neglect, and discrimination. While the figures of their overrepresentation are just emerging, regulation of youth sexuality and gender norms has been embedded in the logics of the juvenile court since its inception. Pathways and pipelines to incarceration have become popular metaphors in research and advocacy to explain how failed safety nets and multiple sites of punishment produce gendered and racialized patterns of criminalization; however, the overrepresentation of queer and trans youth of color has been virtually ignored within these conceptualizations. This article builds on a queer antiprison framework in examining the experiences of formerly incarcerated queer and trans youth of color in New York. Life history interviews were conducted as part of a larger community based participatory research (CBPR) project with 10 participants, ages 18–25. Findings expose the overlapping role of families of origin, foster and adoptive families, schools, and child welfare and juvenile justice systems, in a constellation of exposures to interpersonal and state violence. An alternative metaphor of a revolving door is proposed, and implications for social work are addressed.



有色人种的酷儿和跨性别青年被不成比例地关押在美国少年拘留设施中,在那里他们特别容易遭受暴力、孤立、忽视和歧视。虽然他们的比例过高的数字才刚刚出现,但自少年法庭成立以来,对青少年性行为和性别规范的监管就已嵌入在其逻辑中。通向监禁的途径和管道已成为研究和宣传中流行的比喻,以解释失败的安全网和多个惩罚场所如何产生性别和种族化的刑事定罪模式;然而,在这些概念化中,酷儿和跨性别青年的过度代表实际上被忽略了。本文建立在反监狱酷儿框架的基础上,考察了纽约以前被监禁的酷儿和跨性别青年的经历。生活史访谈是作为更大的社区参与式研究 (CBPR) 项目的一部分进行的,该项目有 10 名年龄在 18-25 岁之间的参与者。调查结果揭示了原籍家庭、寄养家庭和收养家庭、学校、儿童福利和少年司法系统在一系列人际暴力和国家暴力中的重叠作用。提出了一个旋转门的替代比喻,并解决了对社会工作的影响。寄养和收养家庭、学校、儿童福利和少年司法系统,在一系列暴露于人际和国家暴力的情况下。提出了一个旋转门的替代比喻,并解决了对社会工作的影响。寄养和收养家庭、学校、儿童福利和少年司法系统,在一系列暴露于人际和国家暴力的情况下。提出了一个旋转门的替代比喻,并解决了对社会工作的影响。