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Book Review: Creating the New Worker: Work, Consumption and Subordination
Acta Sociologica ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-11 , DOI: 10.1177/0001699319878099
Markku Sippola 1

reduction strategies in the United States, and perhaps we should instead consider investments in social infrastructure—like the green spaces from the example above—to create just and sustainable solutions for crime in many cities. While Klinenberg’s book draws on a variety of cases across disciplines, his message is accessible to those outside academia. Although his sentence structure is complex at times, I think Klinenberg’s arguments can reach a wide audience, which is important for scholarly work aiming to enhance civil society. His ability to draw on specific micro-instances and examples, such as the bowling team in New Lots Library in New York, while referencing ideas and constructs such as social capital and cohesion, illustrates his argument and framework in action. This also makes some recommendations feel more attainable and within reach, such as in Chapter 4 in his discussion of Harry Rhodes and Growing Home, an organization that is turning vacant spaces in Englewood, a food desert, into agricultural areas (p. 127). One limitation of this text are the transitions between examples in each chapter, where Klinenberg will abruptly end one example and begin talking about a new case without providing context to explain how the cases relate to one another. These shifts are choppy and the flow of ideas feels disjointed, especially as he moves back and forth between different types of social infrastructure, such as discussing libraries and community gardens in the same chapter. Further, while most of his examples are rooted in a US context, he also draws on global cases such as Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, which can feel like an afterthought in the final chapters of the book. Overall, Klinenberg’s purpose and drive behind this book are admirable, especially in light of the social problems that we face in modern society. Moreover, I think that his argument for why we need to increase social infrastructure is very powerful; however, the question of how to implement these recommendations is lacking, especially in communities without representatives or officials already committed to this cause.



美国的减少战略,也许我们应该考虑投资社会基础设施——比如上面例子中的绿色空间——为许多城市的犯罪创造公正和可持续的解决方案。虽然 Klinenberg 的书借鉴了跨学科的各种案例,但学术界以外的人也可以理解他的信息。尽管他的句子结构有时很复杂,但我认为 Klinenberg 的论点可以覆盖广泛的受众,这对于旨在增强公民社会的学术工作很重要。他利用特定微观实例和例子的能力,例如纽约新地段图书馆的保龄球队,同时引用社会资本和凝聚力等思想和结构,说明了他的论点和行动框架。这也让一些建议感觉更容易实现,触手可及,例如在第 4 章中他对 Harry Rhodes 和 Growing Home 的讨论,该组织正在将食品沙漠 Englewood 的空置空间变成农业区(第 127 页)。本书的一个限制是每一章的例子之间的转换,其中 Klinenberg 会突然结束一个例子并开始谈论一个新案例,而没有提供上下文来解释这些案例如何相互关联。这些转变是断断续续的,思想的流动让人感觉脱节,尤其是当他在不同类型的社会基础设施之间来回移动时,例如在同一章中讨论图书馆和社区花园。此外,虽然他的大多数例子都植根于美国背景,但他也借鉴了斯里兰卡和孟加拉国等全球案例,这在本书的最后几章中可能会让人觉得是事后的想法。全面的,Klinenberg 写这本书的目的和动力令人钦佩,尤其是考虑到我们在现代社会面临的社会问题。此外,我认为他为什么需要增加社会基础设施的论点非常有力;然而,缺乏如何实施这些建议的问题,特别是在没有代表或官员已经致力于这一事业的社区中。