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Brothers and barbarians: Discursive constructions of ‘refugees’ in Russian media
Acta Sociologica ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-09 , DOI: 10.1177/0001699318817597
Natalia Moen-Larsen 1

This article maps the unexplored terrain of representations of refugees in Russian media, using discourse theory and the concepts of subject positions and symbolic boundaries to analyse these representations. The research questions are: Who are the refugees? What discourses do they feature in? What kinds of symbolic boundaries do these representations maintain? This study analyses the three Russian newspapers Izvestija, Novaya gazeta and Rossiiskaya gazeta, focusing on how, between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2015, these newspapers came to employ the term ‘refugee’ for persons from Ukraine and for those from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Analysis of the subject position of ‘refugee’ in discourses about security, humanitarianism, integration and nationalism reveals contrasting images of refugees from Ukraine and MENA refugees. The latter are represented as ‘threatening’ and ‘alien’: symbolic boundaries are maintained between Russians and these refugees as well as between ‘superior’ Russia and ‘inferior’ Europe. In contrast, refugees from Ukraine are often presented as similar to Russians. Nationalist discourse merges with security, humanitarian and integration discourses, creating contrasting symbolic boundaries between these two groups of refugees and Russians. Refugees are classed as ‘preferred’ or ‘non-preferred’ migrants on the basis not of their situation, but their ethnicity.



本文描绘了俄罗斯媒体中难民表征的未探索领域,使用话语理论以及主题位置和符号边界的概念来分析这些表征。研究问题是:谁是难民?他们在哪些话语中占有一席之地?这些表示保持什么样的符号边界?本研究分析了俄罗斯《消息报》、《新报》和《俄罗斯报》这三份报纸,重点关注在 2014 年 1 月 1 日至 2015 年 12 月 31 日期间,这些报纸如何开始使用“难民”一词来称呼乌克兰人和中东人和俄罗斯人。北非(MENA)。对“难民”在有关安全、人道主义、融合和民族主义的话语中的主体地位的分析揭示了来自乌克兰的难民和 MENA 难民的对比形象。后者被表示为“威胁性”和“外来者”:在俄罗斯人和这些难民之间以及在“优越的”俄罗斯和“劣等的”欧洲之间保持着象征性的界限。相比之下,来自乌克兰的难民经常被描述为与俄罗斯人相似。民族主义话语与安全、人道主义和融合话语融合在一起,在这两组难民和俄罗斯人之间创造了对比鲜明的象征界限。难民被归类为“首选”或“非首选”移民,不是根据他们的情况,而是根据他们的种族。民族主义话语与安全、人道主义和融合话语融合在一起,在这两组难民和俄罗斯人之间创造了对比鲜明的象征界限。难民被归类为“首选”或“非首选”移民,不是根据他们的情况,而是根据他们的种族。民族主义话语与安全、人道主义和融合话语融合在一起,在这两组难民和俄罗斯人之间创造了对比鲜明的象征界限。难民被归类为“首选”或“非首选”移民,不是根据他们的情况,而是根据他们的种族。