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Memory, identity and schooling: diverging and overlapping narratives about World War II and its outcomes at the schools with Russian as the language of instruction in Lithuania
Journal of Baltic Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-27 , DOI: 10.1080/01629778.2020.1825501
Kristina Šliavaitė 1

ABSTRACT This article discusses how different narratives and interpretations of the Second World War and its outcomes for the Baltic states are negotiated and managed at schools with Russian as the language of instruction in Lithuania. In particular, the article focuses on the ways public (official) and private (family) stories of history interrelate in the school sector and on the roles self-attributed by teachers in managing this public-private divide in teaching history. The empirical data are derived from qualitative fieldwork in schools with Russian as the language of instruction in multi-ethnic urban centers of Lithuania.



摘要 本文讨论了在立陶宛以俄语为教学语言的学校如何协商和管理关于第二次世界大战及其对波罗的海国家的结果的不同叙述和解释。特别是,本文重点关注公共(官方)和私人(家庭)历史故事在学校部门中相互关联的方式,以及教师在管理历史教学中的这种公私鸿沟中的自我归因角色。实证数据来自立陶宛多民族城市中心以俄语为教学语言的学校的定性实地调查。