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The political debate about the land question in the Estonian area of the Baltic provinces, 1905–1914
Journal of Baltic Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-04 , DOI: 10.1080/01629778.2020.1748074
Margo Roasto 1

ABSTRACT The Revolution of 1905 launched a political debate about the land question in the Baltic provinces. At the end of 1905, the first legal political parties were formed in the Estonian area. This article examines the views of different Estonian and Baltic German political parties and ideological factions on the land question from 1905 to 1914. The article argues that the debate about the land question was part of a wider discussion about the efficiency of large-scale and small-scale agriculture. The article concludes that the arguments represented in the debate were influenced by several property theories from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.



摘要 1905 年革命引发了一场关于波罗的海省份土地问题的政治辩论。1905 年底,第一批合法政党在爱沙尼亚地区成立。本文考察了 1905 年至 1914 年爱沙尼亚和波罗的海德国不同政党和意识形态派别对土地问题的看法。文章认为,关于土地问题的辩论是关于大规模和小规模经济效率的更广泛讨论的一部分。 ——规模农业。文章的结论是,辩论中所代表的论点受到了 19 世纪末和 20 世纪初的几种财产理论的影响。