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Exposure to religious outgroup symbols and intergroup anxiety in Israel
Israel Affairs ( IF 0.366 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-12 , DOI: 10.1080/13537121.2020.1832333
Lipaz Shamoa-Nir 1 , Irene Razpurker-Apfeld 1

ABSTRACT Israel is often at the centre of debate regarding religious diversity. We examined how exposure to religious symbols is associated with intergroup anxiety perceived from the Jewish majority among Arab minority groups. We found that outgroup and ingroup priming had different consequences for the two Arab groups: when primed with outgroup Jewish concepts, Arab-Muslim persons reported higher intergroup anxiety than Arab-Christian participants. However, when primed with ingroup concepts, the two minority groups did not differ significantly in intergroup anxiety experienced in interactions with Jews. Our results convey the importance of investigating why and when religious diversity may have a negative impact on intergroup relations.



摘要 以色列经常处于宗教多样性辩论的中心。我们研究了接触宗教符号如何与阿拉伯少数群体中的大多数犹太人感知到的群体间焦虑有关。我们发现外群和内群启动对两个阿拉伯群体有不同的后果:当外群犹太概念启动时,阿拉伯穆斯林人报告的群际焦虑高于阿拉伯基督教参与者。然而,当以内群体概念为基础时,两个少数群体在与犹太人互动时经历的群体间焦虑没有显着差异。我们的结果传达了调查宗教多样性为何以及何时会对群体间关系产生负面影响的重要性。