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The Keur Farah Pahlavi Project and Iranian-Senegalese Relations in the 1970s
Iranian Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-20 , DOI: 10.1080/00210862.2020.1792768
Robert Steele

Addressing the scarcity of scholarly literature on Iran’s involvement in Sub-Saharan Africa during the Pahlavi period, this paper demonstrates that throughout the 1970s, as the shah’s international standing rose and Iran’s economy grew, so too did Iran’s political and economic relationships with several African countries, especially Senegal. The article will explore a number of factors that stimulated this relationship, most significantly Senegal’s strategic and symbolic importance, and the personal friendships that developed between the countries’ leaders. The ultimate manifestation of this bilateral relationship was the Keur Farah Pahlavi project; a joint Iranian–Senegalese city to be constructed in Senegal. By exploring this project, the paper aims to demonstrate the strategies through which the Pahlavi state sought to expand its influence worldwide.


1970 年代的 Keur Farah Pahlavi 项目和伊朗-塞内加尔关系

针对伊朗在巴列维时期参与撒哈拉以南非洲的学术文献稀缺问题,本文表明,在整个 1970 年代,随着国王的国际地位上升和伊朗经济的增长,伊朗与几个非洲国家的政治和经济关系也在增长,尤其是塞内加尔。本文将探讨促进这种关系的一些因素,最重要的是塞内加尔的战略和象征意义,以及两国领导人之间发展起来的个人友谊。这种双边关系的最终体现是 Keur Farah Pahlavi 项目。将在塞内加尔建造一座伊朗-塞内加尔联合城市。通过探索这个项目,