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Land asset securitization: an innovative approach to distinguish between benefit-sharing and compensation in hydropower development
Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-11 , DOI: 10.1080/14615517.2020.1798722
Guoqing Shi 1 , Kai Shang 2


Development Project (DP) is creating the benefits for all and taking benefit-sharing (BS) as a goal. BS involves paying something above the fair market compensation or replacement value of the assets lost in the displacement and resettlement. BS becomes more important and complicated when the lost assets are not transacted as commodities in a market. BS is a key to resolve the challenges on impoverishment caused development induced displacement and resettlement globally. An innovated BS approach and methodology for land asset securitization (LAS) is proposed. It takes occupied lands as capital investment in the DP rather than for displaced assets’ compensation only based on natural resources transfer theory. LAS takes the approach in lands resourcing, land resources capitalization and land assets securitization. It establishes the mechanism to arrange additional benefits for resettlers. It enables rural resettlers to receive appropriate compensation to sustain basic livelihoods at the DP construction and early commercial operation stage as well as share profits equally during full operation. LAS will prevent either the hydropower developer or the government from having interests in securitized assets. LAS is a sustainable approach to promote win-win among resettlers, developers, governments, and civil society.




发展项目(DP)正在为所有人创造利益,并以利益共享(BS)为目标。BS 涉及支付高于搬迁和重新安置中损失的资产的公平市场补偿或重置价值的费用。当丢失的资产不在市场上作为商品进行交易时,BS 变得更加重要和复杂。BS 是解决贫困导致的全球发展导致的流离失所和重新安置挑战的关键。提出了一种创新的土地资产证券化 (LAS) BS 方法和方法。仅基于自然资源转移理论,将占用的土地作为对DP 的资本投资,而不是作为被拆迁资产的补偿。LAS采取土地资源化、土地资源资本化和土地资产证券化的方式。它建立了为移民安排额外福利的机制。它使农村移民能够在DP 建设和商业运营初期获得适当的补偿以维持基本生计,并在全面运营期间平均分享利润。LAS 将阻止水电开发商或政府在证券化资产中拥有权益。LAS 是一种促进移民、开发商、政府和民间社会双赢的可持续方法。LAS 将阻止水电开发商或政府在证券化资产中拥有权益。LAS 是一种促进移民、开发商、政府和民间社会双赢的可持续方法。LAS 将阻止水电开发商或政府在证券化资产中拥有权益。LAS 是一种促进移民、开发商、政府和民间社会双赢的可持续方法。
