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Sonic Havens: Towards a Goffmanesque Account of Homely Listening
Housing, Theory and Society ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-29 , DOI: 10.1080/14036096.2019.1686060
Michael James Walsh 1 , Eduardo de la Fuente 2


Drawing upon Goffman’s notion of the interaction order we propose that home and homeliness pertain to the degree to which we can control our auditory involvements with the world and with others. What we term “homely listening” concerns the use of music to make oneself feel at home, in some cases, through seclusion and immersion, and, in others, through either the musical ordering of mundane routines or the use of music to engage in sociality with others. Drawing on 29 in-depth qualitative interviews concerning mundane instances of musical listening, we propose the home is a complex sonic order involving territoriality as well as the aesthetic framing of activity through musical and non-musical sounds. We argue the home represents a negotiated sonic interaction order where individuals skilfully manage involvements with others and activities through their musical and other sound practices.




