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Searching for comfort in religion: insecurity and religious behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy
European Societies ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-29 , DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2020.1836383
Francesco Molteni 1 , Riccardo Ladini 1 , Ferruccio Biolcati 1 , Antonio M. Chiesi 1 , Giulia Maria Dotti Sani 1 , Simona Guglielmi 1 , Marco Maraffi 1 , Andrea Pedrazzani 1 , Paolo Segatti 1 , Cristiano Vezzoni 1


The impact that the COVID-19 pandemic had on the lives of many is indisputable. Among the possible strategies to cope with the feeling of insecurity that comes with this, religion can play a significant role. Using first-hand data from the ResPOnsE COVID-19 rolling cross-section survey, this article shows that Italian people who reported a COVID-19 contagion in their family reported also higher religiosity both in terms of attendance at religious services (via web, radio and tv) and prayer during the pandemic. The result holds primarily for those who received religious socialization during their childhood, and this reinforces the role of family transmission as a way to shape religious beliefs and behaviours and to provide individuals with religious coping strategies. These findings suggest that under dramatic circumstances a short-term religious revival is possible, even in contexts where the process of secularization is ongoing.




COVID-19大流行对许多人的生活造成的影响是无可争辩的。在应对随之而来的不安全感的可能策略中,宗教可以发挥重要作用。使用ResPOnsE COVID-19滚动横截面调查的第一手数据,本文显示,举报家庭中传播COVID-19的意大利人在参加宗教仪式方面(通过网络,广播)的宗教信仰也较高。和电视)和大流行期间的祈祷。这一结果主要适用于那些在童年时期就接受了宗教社会化活动的人们,这加强了家庭传播作为塑造宗教信仰和行为并为个人提供宗教应对策略的一种方式的作用。
