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Stability or change of public opinion and values during the coronavirus crisis? Exploring Dutch longitudinal panel data
European Societies ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-27 , DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2020.1821075
Tim Reeskens 1 , Quita Muis 1 , Inge Sieben 1 , Leen Vandecasteele 2 , Ruud Luijkx 1, 3 , Loek Halman 1


Some participants of the public debate have argued that the world before and after the coronavirus crisis will look fundamentally different. An underlying assumption is that this crisis will alter public opinion in such a way that it leads to profound societal and political change. Scholarship suggests that while some policy preferences are quite volatile and prone to change under the influence of crises, core values formed during childhood are likely to remain stable. In this article, we test stability or change of a well-selected set of opinions and values before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. We rely on a unique longitudinal panel study whereby the Dutch fieldwork of the European Values Study 2017 web survey serves as a baseline; respondents were re-approached in May 2020. The findings indicate that values remain largely stable. However, there is an increase in political support, confirming the so-called rally effect. We conclude our manuscript with a response to the futurists expecting changes in public opinion because of the coronavirus crisis.




一些公开辩论的参与者认为,冠状病毒危机前后的世界将发生根本的变化。一个基本的假设是,这场危机将以导致深刻的社会和政治变革的方式改变公众舆论。奖学金表明,尽管某些政策偏好非常不稳定,并且在危机的影响下容易发生变化,但儿童时期形成的核心价值观可能会保持稳定。在本文中,我们将测试COVID-19大流行之前和期间的稳定性或一组精选的观点和价值观的变化。我们依赖于一项独特的纵向面板研究,以《 2017年欧洲价值观研究》网络调查的荷兰实地调查为基准;2020年5月重新评估了受访者的价值。调查结果表明,价值观在很大程度上保持稳定。然而,集会效应。我们在稿件结尾处回应了由于冠状病毒危机而引起公众舆论改变的未来主义者。
