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Front-line work in activation and targeting of re-qualification programmes: lessons from the Czech Republic
European Journal of Social Work ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-20 , DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2020.1843410
Tomáš Sirovátka 1 , Miroslava Rákoczyová 1


A paradigmatic policy change towards activation, together with currently very low rates of unemployment, made the most disadvantaged groups of unemployed people the focus of active labour market policy in the Czech Republic. The aim of including people with multiple and/or severe disadvantages in the labour market represents a new challenge for front-line workers at employment offices, as they are expected to provide their hard-to-place clients with individualised, tailored services, including well-targeted active labour market policy measures. In this paper, we analyse how successful front-line workers are in targeting re-qualification programmes at the most disadvantaged groups and which factors shape front-line work. Our findings are based on recent empirical (quantitative as well as qualitative) research in Czech active labour market policy in which we took part and on in-depth interviews on the topic that we carried out with front-line employment-office employees. We demonstrate failures in personalised front-line activation work and in targeting re-qualification programmes at disadvantaged groups and examine the underlying factors (e.g. governance reforms in activation, insufficient personnel resources, emphasis on coercion and standardisation of front-line work).




向激活的典型政策转变,加上目前非常低的失业率,使最弱势的失业群体成为捷克共和国积极劳动力市场政策的重点。将具有多重和/或严重劣势的人纳入劳动力市场的目标对就业办公室的一线工人提出了新的挑战,因为他们需要为难以安置的客户提供个性化、量身定制的服务,包括- 有针对性的积极劳动力市场政策措施。在本文中,我们分析了一线工作人员如何成功地针对最弱势群体制定资格再认证计划,以及哪些因素影响了一线工作。我们的研究结果基于我们最近参与的捷克积极劳动力市场政策的实证(定量和定性)研究,以及我们与一线就业办公室员工就该主题进行的深入访谈。我们展示了个性化一线激活工作和针对弱势群体的资格再认证计划的失败,并研究了其潜在因素(例如激活中的治理改革、人力资源不足、强调强制和一线工作的标准化)。G。激活中的治理改革,人力资源不足,强调一线工作的强制和规范)。G。激活中的治理改革,人力资源不足,强调一线工作的强制和规范)。
