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Gender differences in alcohol onset and drinking frequency in adolescents: an application of the theory of planned behavior
Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy ( IF 2.007 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-28 , DOI: 10.1080/09687637.2020.1865271
Henriette Kyrrestad 1 , Geraldine Mabille 1 , Frode Adolfsen 1 , Roman Koposov 1 , Monica Martinussen 1


The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is a model utilized to predict human behavior that was used to examine adolescents’ alcohol drinking behavior (onset and frequency of drinking). Longitudinal data collected over a 2 year period from Norwegian junior high school students (N = 1,563) was used. Multilevel structural equation models was used to examine the utility of the TPB to explain variance in adolescents’ onset and frequency of alcohol use. Gender differences between the different TPB components and alcohol use was tested. Onset and frequency of alcohol drinking were predicted by intention, for both genders. Intention to onset drinking was in turn predicted by subjective norms (SN) for both girls and boys while intention to drinking frequency was predicted by SN and attitude for girls, and SN for boys. Onset of drinking and frequency of alcohol use were directly related to perceived behavior control (PBC) for girls. Gender differences in TPB were detected. Alcohol preventive programs will benefit from focusing on attitude, SN and PBC for girls and SN for boys.




计划行为理论 (TPB) 是一种用于预测人类行为的模型,用于检查青少年的饮酒行为(饮酒的开始和频率)。挪威初中学生 2 年内收集的纵向数据(N = 1,563) 被使用。多层次结构方程模型被用来检验 TPB 的效用,以解释青少年开始和饮酒频率的差异。测试了不同 TPB 成分和酒精使用之间的性别差异。男女饮酒的发作和频率均通过意向预测。女性和男孩的主观规范(SN)反过来又可以预测开始饮酒的意图,而女孩和男孩的SN和态度可以预测饮酒频率,而男孩则可以通过SN预测饮酒频率。饮酒的开始和饮酒频率与女孩的感知行为控制(PBC)直接相关。检测到 TPB 中的性别差异。酒精预防计划将受益于关注女孩的态度、SN 和 PBC 以及男孩的 SN。
