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Upward-scaling tipping cascades to meet climate goals: plausible grounds for hope
Climate Policy ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-10 , DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2020.1870097
Simon Sharpe 1, 2 , Timothy M. Lenton 3


Limiting global warming to well below 2°C requires a dramatic acceleration of decarbonization to reduce net anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions to zero around mid-century. In complex systems – including human societies – tipping points can occur, in which a small perturbation transforms a system. Crucially, activating one tipping point can increase the likelihood of triggering another at a larger scale, and so on. Here, we show how such upward-scaling tipping cascades could accelerate progress in tackling climate change. We focus on two sectors – light road transport and power – where tipping points have already been triggered by policy interventions at individual nation scales. We show how positive-sum cooperation, between small coalitions of jurisdictions and their policymakers, could lead to global changes in the economy and emissions. The aim of activating tipping points and tipping cascades is a particular application of systems thinking. It represents a different starting point for policy to the theory of welfare economics, one that can be useful when the priority is to achieve dynamic rather than allocative efficiency.

Key policy insights

  • Pricing policies and targeted investments that bring clean technologies below the threshold of cost-parity with fossil fuel technologies can trigger reinforcing feedbacks that cascade up scales to propel disproportionately rapid decarbonization.

  • Traditional approaches to climate policy based on welfare economics principles of minimizing marginal abatement costs, and pricing externalities, are likely to miss these opportunities. Systems thinking can help identify ways for policy to drive effective change.

  • Positive-sum cooperation between small groups of countries can accelerate the activation of tipping points in the global economy, facilitating decarbonization in all countries. Early opportunities for this are in the power and light road transport sectors, where clean technologies are increasingly competitive with fossil fuels.

  • The value of decarbonization policies should be judged not just on their immediate effects on emissions within the implementing jurisdiction, but also for their potential to contribute to upward-scaling tipping cascades in the global economy.






  • 定价政策和有针对性的投资,使清洁技术低于化石燃料技术的成本同等水平的门槛,可能会触发强化的反馈,这些反馈会逐步扩大规模,从而推动不成比例的快速脱碳。

  • 基于福利经济学原理(将边际减排成本最小化和定价外部性)为基础的传统气候政策方法可能会错失这些机会。系统思考可以帮助确定策略来推动有效变更的方式。

  • 小国集团之间的正和合作可以加速激活全球经济中的临界点,促进所有国家的脱碳。早期的机会是在电力和轻型道路运输领域,在这些领域中,清洁技术与化石燃料的竞争日益激烈。

  • 脱碳政策的价值不仅应根据其对实施管辖区内的排放的直接影响来判断,而且还应根据其对全球经济中不断扩大的小规模推波助澜的潜力进行判断。
