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‘When we were children we had dreams, then we came to Dhaka to survive’: urban stories connecting loss of wellbeing, displacement and (im)mobility
Climate and Development ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-17 , DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2020.1777078
Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson 1, 2


This article uses storytelling methodology to investigate the connections between urban climate-induced loss of wellbeing and (im)mobility in Bhola Slum, an informal settlement in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The settlement houses Internally Displaced People from the southern coast who built and named the slum after their home - Bhola Island. The storytelling sessions revealed that loss of belonging, identity, quality of life and social value produced in people a desire to return. Nostalgic storylines of home also shaped the narratives of the children born in the slum who often referred to the island as their home. Some women felt that the move had resulted in more liberty, but also claimed that it had increased the risk of social punishment and stigmatisation. Social stigma often extended from parents to children. More women than men reported feeling unsafe, depressed and anxious. Mental and physical ill health were both common consequences of the compromised living and working conditions of the slum. Loss of health (due to injuries or disease) damaged people's wellbeing and pushed already fragile families into a downward spiral with no escape. Few empirical studies investigate ‘trapped’ populations and non-economic losses and damages in urban environments. The insights gained from this work can therefore help safeguard vulnerable populations worldwide and build more robust climate policy frameworks.




本文使用讲故事的方法来调查孟加拉国达卡市的一个非正式住区Bhola Slum中城市气候导致的福祉损失与(行动)流动之间的联系。该定居点安置了来自南部海岸的内部流离失所者,他们以家园-博拉岛(Bhola Island)的名字建造了贫民窟并命名。讲故事的过程表明,人们对回归的渴望使人们丧失了归属感,身份,生活质量和社会价值。家乡的怀旧故事情节也影响了在贫民窟出生的孩子的叙事,他们通常将小岛称为家。一些妇女认为此举带来了更多的自由,但也声称此举增加了受到社会惩罚和污名化的风险。社会上的污名常常从父母扩展到孩子。报告说感到不安全,沮丧和焦虑的妇女多于男人。贫民窟的生活和工作条件受到损害,都是精神和身体上的健康问题。由于受伤或疾病造成的健康损失损害了人们的福祉,使本已脆弱的家庭陷入无法逃脱的螺旋式下降。很少有实证研究调查“被困”人口以及城市环境中的非经济损失和破坏。因此,从这项工作中获得的见识可以帮助维护世界各地的脆弱人群,并建立更健全的气候政策框架。的福祉,将本来就脆弱的家庭推向了无法摆脱的螺旋式下降。很少有实证研究调查“被困”人口以及城市环境中的非经济损失和破坏。因此,从这项工作中获得的见识可以帮助维护世界各地的脆弱人群,并建立更健全的气候政策框架。的福祉,将本来就脆弱的家庭推向了无法摆脱的螺旋式下降。很少有实证研究调查“被困”人口以及城市环境中的非经济损失和破坏。因此,从这项工作中获得的见识可以帮助维护世界各地的脆弱人群,并建立更健全的气候政策框架。
