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Making women’s shelters more conducive to family life: professionals’ exploration of the benefits of nature
Children's Geographies ( IF 2.307 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-27 , DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2020.1826405
Elise Peters 1 , Jolanda Maas 2 , Carlo Schuengel 3 , Dieuwke Hovinga 1


For families who live in women’s shelters, provision of salubrious activities supports their recovery and resilience. In many fields, natural environments are known to provide such benefits. Using an action research design, this study explored professionals’ perspective on the benefits of nature for family life in women’s shelters. Four researchers and 46 care professionals collaborated for six months on this exploration by forming a Community of Practice (CoP). Thematic analysis of transcripts of CoP meetings and case descriptions showed five themes: nature (1) offers a place for family leisure time, (2) supports social connectedness, (3) supports psychological well-being, (4) offers metaphoric experiences, and (5) supports parenting. The first four themes are in line with insights on the benefits of nature for people in general. Professionals’ explanations of the fifth theme suggest that nature supports parenting by providing relatedness between parent and child, parental feelings of competence, and autonomy in parenting.




对于住在妇女收容所的家庭,提供有益的活动有助于她们的康复和复原力。在许多领域,已知自然环境可提供此类益处。本研究采用行动研究设计,探讨了专业人士对妇女庇护所中自然对家庭生活的益处的看法。四名研究人员和 46 名护理专业人员通过形成实践社区 (CoP) 进行了为期六个月的合作探索。对 CoP 会议记录和案例描述的专题分析显示五个主题:自然 (1) 为家庭休闲时间提供场所,(2) 支持社交联系,(3) 支持心理健康,(4) 提供隐喻体验,以及(5)支持育儿。前四个主题与对自然对一般人的好处的见解一致。
