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Re/Un/Discover: An Embodied Heuristic for Uncertainties in Social Work Practice
Australian Social Work ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-02 , DOI: 10.1080/0312407x.2020.1845388
Elizabeth King Keenan 1


Social workers have always worked with and within uncertainties in practice, but the COVID-19 pandemic is amplifying the frequency and degree of uncertainty across ecological levels. Social workers need enhanced capacity to work with these uncertainties and the impact on individual and collective wellbeing. The RE/UN/DIScover heuristic guides social workers’ responses to the wide range of practice uncertainties experienced in the moment and over time. Drawing on understandings of embodied wellbeing from interpersonal neurobiology and the power relations manifest in intersectional positionality, RE/UN/DIScover offers embodied, iterative practices to access the wealth of capabilities within self and others.

  • Disruptions and uncertainties connected with pandemics, economic recessions, continued systemic injustices and other human-made problems can challenge social workers and impact the wellbeing of individuals and communities.

  • Heuristics are guides that sort, order, and inform decisions and actions. The RE/UN/DIScover heuristic uses knowledge about embodied wellbeing and various forms of power to guide social workers.

  • RE/UN/DIScover offers social workers practices to use with uncertainties both in the moment and over time.




社会工作者在实践中总是在不确定性的范围内工作,但是COVID-19大流行正在扩大整个生态水平不确定性的频率和程度。社会工作者需要增强应对这些不确定因素以及对个人和集体福祉的影响的能力。RE / UN / DIScover启发式方法可指导社会工作者应对当前以及随着时间推移所遇到的各种实践不确定性。RE / UN / DIScover利用人际关系神经生物学对体现的幸福感的理解以及交叉位置所体现的力量关系,提供了体现性的迭代实践,以获取自我和他人内在能力的丰富性。

  • 含意
  • 与流行病,经济衰退,持续的系统性不公正和其他人为问题相关的破坏和不确定性可能挑战社会工作者并影响个人和社区的福祉。

  • 启发式是分类,排序和告知决策和行动的指南。RE / UN / DIScover启发式方法使用有关具体的福利和各种权力形式的知识来指导社会工作者。

  • RE / UN / DIScover为社会工作者提供了随时随地不确定的使用方法。
