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Ethnocentrism in African politics: The Nigerian experience
African Studies ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1080/00020184.2020.1851591
Godwin Ehiarekhian Oboh 1

ABSTRACT The article identifies ways of solving the problem of ethnic bigotry and minority rights in African politics with a focus on democracy in Nigeria. It uses the pluralistic model to demonstrate the need for an inclusive government in Nigeria, cutting across tribes and religion. Desktop reviews of past and present Nigerian leaders were conducted, and content analysis was used as a research method. A correlation was found between the chances of a politician becoming the president of Nigeria and his or her state of origin. Since democracy is a game of numbers, it might be difficult for persons from the minority ethnic groups to become a Nigerian president. So, the article recommends, among other things, that Nigeria adopts a rotational presidency with a non-renewable five-year mandate. The model will enable both the members of the major and the minority ethnic nationalities to serve in key positions in the Nigerian government, as well as parliaments in the subsequent administrations.



摘要 本文以尼日利亚的民主为重点,确定了解决非洲政治中种族偏见和少数群体权利问题的方法。它使用多元模型来证明尼日利亚需要一个包容性政府,跨越部落和宗教。对过去和现在的尼日利亚领导人进行了桌面审查,并将内容分析用作研究方法。发现政治家成为尼日利亚总统的机会与其原籍国之间存在相关性。由于民主是一种数字游戏,少数族裔的人可能很难成为尼日利亚总统。因此,该文章建议,除其他外,尼日利亚采用不可再生的五年任期的轮值主席国。