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“We Don't Have the Right Words!”: Idiomatic Violence, Embodied Inequalities, and Uneven Translations in Indian Law Enforcement
PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-02 , DOI: 10.1111/plar.12373
Sandhya Fuchs 1

This article interrogates the relationship among legal gatekeepers, embodied expressions of structural violence, and institutional patterns of translation in the mobilization of antidiscrimination legislation by examining a case registered under the 1989 Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Prevention of Atrocities Act in the Indian state of Rajasthan. The article proposes that law enforcement officials often utilize legal registers and legal aesthetics as defensive shields against the demands of historically marginalized groups, which interfere with their institutionalized moralities and wider loyalties to higher caste groups. Thereby they reinscribe the very structural inequalities antidiscrimination laws are intended to address. This process is often the result of a dual breakdown of translation. On the one hand, police officers often refuse to engage with the local linguistic idioms of marginalized communities in a way that makes their experiences legible to the law. On the other hand, survivors of discriminatory violence are themselves hesitant to make their suffering explicit due to trauma and fear of being publicly humiliated. Ultimately, this process can instill further feelings of inadequacy in victims of discrimination at the very moment they try to claim their rights. This case ultimately questions the ability of antidiscrimination legislation to effectively counteract the effects of structural inequality. [India, anti‐discrimination law, translation, caste, embodiment]



本文通过审查印度拉贾斯坦邦根据1989年《附表所列种姓/计划的部落防止暴行法》登记的案件,来质疑法律看门人之间的关系,结构性暴力的具体表现形式以及动员反歧视立法中的翻译体制模式。文章提出,执法人员经常利用法律登记册和法律美学作为防御性屏蔽,以抵制历史上处于边缘地位的群体的需求,这会干扰他们的制度化道德和对更高种姓群体的忠诚度。因此,它们重新刻画了旨在解决反歧视法律的结构性不平等现象。此过程通常是翻译双重故障的结果。一方面,警察常常拒绝以使他们的经历易于辨认的方式与边缘化社区的当地语言习语打交道。另一方面,遭受歧视性暴力的幸存者本人由于受到创伤和害怕被公开羞辱而犹豫不决地表明自己的痛苦。最终,这一过程可能会使歧视受害者在试图主张自己的权利时就进一步灌输不足的感觉。该案最终质疑反歧视立法有效抵消结构性不平等影响的能力。[印度,反歧视法,翻译,种姓,体现] 遭受歧视性暴力的幸存者本身不愿透露自己的痛苦,因为他们受到创伤和害怕被公开羞辱。最终,这一过程可能会使歧视受害者在试图主张自己的权利时就进一步灌输不足的感觉。该案最终质疑反歧视立法有效抵消结构性不平等影响的能力。[印度,反歧视法,翻译,种姓,体现] 遭受歧视性暴力的幸存者本身不愿透露自己的痛苦,因为他们受到创伤和害怕被公开羞辱。最终,这一过程可能会使歧视受害者在试图主张自己的权利时就进一步灌输不足的感觉。该案最终质疑反歧视立法有效抵消结构性不平等影响的能力。[印度,反歧视法,翻译,种姓,体现] 该案最终质疑反歧视立法有效抵消结构性不平等影响的能力。[印度,反歧视法,翻译,种姓,体现] 该案最终质疑反歧视立法有效抵消结构性不平等影响的能力。[印度,反歧视法,翻译,种姓,体现]