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“Rotten Row is Rotten to the Core”: The Material and Sensory Politics of Harare's Magistrates’ Courts after 2000
PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-11 , DOI: 10.1111/plar.12376
Susanne Verheul 1

This article analyzes how state power and authority were established and critiqued through the performative, material, and sensory characteristics of Harare's Criminal Magistrates’ Courts in Zimbabwe. Drawing on courtroom observations and interviews conducted with human rights lawyers and their clients between 2010 and 2018, this article shows how Zimbabwe's deteriorating political and economic situation after 2000 caused a decline of the material conditions in court. Lawyers and their clients played on this decline to emphasize how the state failed to display its authority. Simultaneously, these material conditions highlighted the ruling party's (ZANU‐PF) preoccupation with law's coercive rather than legitimating utility. A focus on material attributes, however, does not suffice in examining the ways in which court proceedings impose and challenge the authority of the law and of the state. The sensory dimensions of courtrooms also require attention. Within the courtroom, it was vital for actors to engage the visual, auditory, and—importantly—the olfactory reminders of the horrific conditions in police detention and prison. By doing so, lawyers and their clients reasserted and questioned not only the authority of law but also the control certain state actors exerted on and over the bodies and emotions of Zimbabwean citizens within legal spaces.



本文分析了津巴布韦哈拉雷刑事地方法院的表演,物质和感官特征如何建立和批判国家权力和权威。借助2010年至2018年间在法庭上对人权律师及其客户进行的观察和访谈,本文显示了津巴布韦在2000年后不断恶化的政治和经济状况如何导致法庭物质条件的下降。律师及其客户在这种衰退中扮演了重要角色,强调了国家如何无法发挥其权威。同时,这些物质条件突显了执政党(ZANU‐PF)对法律强制性而非合法效用的关注。但是,重点在于材料属性 不足以审查法院程序施加和挑战法律和国家权威的方式。法庭的感官尺寸也需要引起注意。在法庭上,对于演员而言,至关重要的是要通过视觉,听觉,以及(尤其是)嗅觉来提醒警察拘留和监狱的可怕状况。这样做,律师及其客户不仅对法律权威进行了质疑,而且还质疑某些国家行为者对法律空间内津巴布韦公民的身体和情绪施加的控制权。以及重要的是,嗅觉使人想起了警察拘留和监狱中的可怕状况。这样做,律师及其客户不仅对法律权威进行了质疑,而且还质疑某些国家行为者对法律空间内津巴布韦公民的身体和情绪施加的控制权。以及重要的是,嗅觉提醒着警察拘留和监狱的可怕状况。这样做,律师及其客户不仅对法律权威进行了质疑,而且还质疑某些国家行为者对法律空间内津巴布韦公民的身体和情绪施加的控制权。