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Making the Indebted Citizen: An Inquiry into State Benevolence in Turkey
PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-13 , DOI: 10.1111/plar.12347
Çağrı Yoltar 1

This article concerns the making of the indebted citizen in Turkey through state benevolence. It focuses on the materialization of a debt relationship between state and citizen in everyday workings of state‐sponsored welfare programs in the Kurdish region, in the shadow of a protracted armed conflict between the Turkish military forces and the Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan (Kurdistan Workers’ Party). In Turkey, as in many other places, welfare benefits are promoted as a state benevolence rather than a citizenship right, and many officials seek to ensure that beneficiaries are credible enough to honor their debts to the state in the form of loyalty and obedience. Examining bureaucratic processes of beneficiary selection, I demonstrate how a dialectic of generous giving and forceful taking congeals in welfare distribution, compelling compliant behavior among the beneficiaries through the power of debt. I argue that what seems to be a free provision by the Turkish state—social assistance—often operates as a mechanism of debt production in practice—another form of political and economic dispossession for the Kurds in Turkey.



本文涉及通过国家慈善在土耳其培养负债的公民。在土耳其军队与PartiyaKarkerênKurdistan(库尔德工人党)之间持久的武装冲突的阴影下,它着重于在库尔德地区国家支持的福利计划的日常工作中实现国家与公民之间的债务关系的实现。 )。与其他许多地方一样,在土耳其,福利待遇是作为国家的福利而不是公民权来推广的,许多官员力求确保受益人具有足够的信誉,以忠诚和服从的形式偿还对国家的债务。在考察受益人的官僚主义过程时,我展示了福利分配中慷慨奉献和强取taking取的辩证法,通过债务的力量在受益人中强制遵守行为。我认为,土耳其政府似乎提供的免费提供的资金(社会援助)在实践中通常是债务产生的机制,这是土耳其库尔德人对政治和经济的另一种剥夺形式。