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The need for compelling problematisation in research: The prevalence of the gap‐spotting approach and its limitations
Information Systems Journal ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-24 , DOI: 10.1111/isj.12316
Sutirtha Chatterjee 1 , Robert M. Davison 2

Every year, the Information Systems Journal (ISJ) receives hundreds of papers for review and potential publication. When a new submission is received, we pay careful attention to the positioning and motivation, and on a related note, to the contribution of the submitted paper. The positioning and motivation of the paper strongly determine how the contribution emerges in the latter half of the paper. They are, therefore, quite salient with respect to how the study is conceived and executed. In this editorial, we draw attention to the positioning and motivation of research that is submitted for publication. We also intend to provide potential authors with insights into our expectations.

In our experience as editors, we find that authors quite often neglect the positioning and motivation of their submissions. Indeed, the lack of any detailed treatment is often reflected in the reject letter: “we are unable to discover why you undertook this research”. We commonly find that after a cursory introduction, authors plunge headlong into the literature review and hypotheses development (in the case of a quantitative study) or methodology (in the case of a qualitative study). Following the emergent findings (qualitative studies) or hypotheses testing (quantitative studies), we see a summary and routine discussion of the contribution of the work.

It is crucial to realize that papers following this model are unlikely to fare very well in the ISJ review process. Methodological rigor is of course important, but it is not sufficient to guarantee publication. Authors must also deliver a compelling contribution in terms of theory or design (e.g., an artifact). This is where the issues of positioning and motivation become critical, because these considerations ultimately shape both the theory and the contribution.

We are not saying that submitted papers at ISJ lack any positioning or motivation. However, they are often weak and poorly presented. Exactly who should care about the research, and why, is frequently ignored. What is very popular is the tendency to highlight “gaps” in the existing literature and then to concoct an argument whereby the submitted study addresses those gap(s). We refer to this as “gap‐spotting” research, which has been demonstrated as having severe limitations (Alvesson & Sandberg, 2011). While librarians might care about gaps on the shelf and dentists may be troubled by gaps in your teeth, we suggest that researchers should tread warily where gaps are concerned.

The many practitioners of gap‐spotting research tend to argue that because something has not yet been done, there is value (a contribution) in doing it. However, this is a fallacious argument. The fact that there is a gap in the literature (e.g., some unanswered question) does not necessarily mean that it is worthwhile to plug it. For example, nobody may have investigated if eating chocolates increases programming efficiency. There may well be a connection (chocolate contains sugar, amongst other things, and sugar provides energy) but is this a connection that is worth pursuing, especially in IS research? Even if we find that eating chocolates is positively associated with programming efficiency, what are the practical implications? Should companies distribute chocolates to their programmers every day? Should people who are chocolate or sugar intolerant shun the career of programmer? Is this the kind of contribution to the IS literature (as opposed to Food Science or Human Resources Management) that we wish to publish?

Although this is an extreme and somewhat ridiculous example, it serves to showcase that research should be meaningful in its academic and practical implications and not engaged with just for its own sake. The key concept here is relevance, not only to the practitioner community, but also to the academic community. Academicians will see the value of research only when it needs to be done, and not just when it can be done. The gap‐spotting approach often demonstrates that a research can be done, but it does not necessarily mean that it should be done.








