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Designing regional innovation systems in transitional economies: A creative ecosystem approach
Growth and Change ( IF 2.704 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-13 , DOI: 10.1111/grow.12441
Marta Gasparin 1 , Martin Quinn 1

Regional Innovation Systems (RIS) have become a policy panacea for states looking to develop their economies. However, much of the research on RIS is from Western developed economies, which have established infrastructures and institutional governance networks. Yet, in transitional economies, the growth rate in some parts of the economy is so rapid that policy makers and institutions are unable to record changes as they occur, including the emergence of new economic sectors, such as the creative industries. This results in knowledge gaps, leading to an inability to understand, identify or react to the needs of those nascent sectors. Our research paper, through the analysis of creative industries in Vietnam, proves that taking a creative ecosystems approach to designing RIS will bridge these knowledge gaps by providing a mechanism through which information can be collated and fed into the policy process. Our paper facilitates this process by developing a model to understand the characteristics of the creative ecosystem and as well as a flipped model of policy diffusion to allow bottom-up development of policy in transitional economies. We then discuss how these models can be used by policy makers to design a more informed RIS to meet the needs of the sector.



区域创新系统 (RIS) 已成为寻求发展经济的国家的政策灵丹妙药。然而,RIS 的大部分研究来自西方发达经济体,这些经济体已经建立了基础设施和制度治理网络。然而,在转型经济体中,某些经济领域的增长率如此之快,以至于政策制定者和机构无法在变化发生时对其进行记录,包括新经济部门的出现,例如创意产业。这导致知识差距,导致无法理解、识别或响应这些新兴部门的需求。我们的研究论文,通过对越南创意产业的分析,证明采用创造性的生态系统方法来设计 RIS 将通过提供一种机制来弥合这些知识差距,通过该机制可以整理信息并将其输入政策流程。我们的论文通过开发一个模型来理解创意生态系统的特征,以及一个政策扩散的翻转模型来促进这一过程,以允许转型经济体的政策自下而上发展。然后我们讨论政策制定者如何使用这些模型来设计更明智的 RIS 以满足该部门的需求。