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Insider Trading in Rumored Takeover Targets
European Financial Management  ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-15 , DOI: 10.1111/eufm.12283
Frederick Davis 1 , Hamed Khadivar 1 , Kuntara Pukthuanthong 2 , Thomas J. Walker 1

We examine insider trading surrounding takeover rumors in a sample of 1,642 publicly traded U.S. firms. Using difference-in-differences regressions, we find that insider net purchases increase within the year prior to the first publication of a takeover rumor, particularly when rumor articles are either accurate (lead to a takeover announcement) or informative (provide substantial justification for the rumor’s publication). Moreover, we find abnormal insider trading to be a significant predictor of takeover announcements occurring within the following year. Finally, passive net purchasing (i.e., selling less rather than buying more) is more pronounced among managing insiders than among non-managing insiders.



我们在 1,642 家美国上市公司的样本中研究了围绕收购传闻的内幕交易。使用差异中的差异回归,我们发现内部人士净购买在收购传闻首次发布前一年内增加,特别是当传闻文章准确(导致收购公告)或信息丰富(为收购传闻提供实质性理由时)谣言的出版)。此外,我们发现异常内幕交易是下一年发生收购公告的重要预测因素。最后,与非管理层内部人士相比,管理层内部人士的被动净购买(即,少卖而不是多买)更为明显。