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Institutionalizing inequality in the courts: Decomposing racial and ethnic disparities in detention, conviction, and sentencing*
Criminology ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-24 , DOI: 10.1111/1745-9125.12257
Marisa Omori 1 , Nick Petersen 2

A significant body of literature has examined racial and ethnic inequalities in sentencing, focusing on how individual court actors make decisions, but fewer scholars have examined whether disparities are institutionalized through legal case factors. After finding racial and ethnic inequalities in pretrial detention, conviction, and incarceration based on 4 years of felony court data (N = 83,924) from Miami‐Dade County, we estimate nonlinear decomposition models to examine how much of the inequalities are explained by differences in criminal history, charging, and for conviction and incarceration, pretrial detention. Results suggest that inequality is greatest between White non‐Latinos and Black Latinos, followed by White non‐Latinos and Black non‐Latinos, ranging from 4 to more than 8 percentage points difference in the probability of pretrial detention, 7–13 points difference in conviction, 5–6 points in prison, and 4–10 points difference in jail. We find few differences between White non‐Latinos and White Latinos. Between half and three‐quarters of the inequality in pretrial detention, conviction, and prison sentences between White non‐Latino and Black people is explained through legal case factors. Our findings indicate that inequality is, in part, institutionalized through legal case factors, suggesting these factors are not “race neutral” but instead racialized and contribute to inequalities in court outcomes.



大量文献研究了量刑中的种族和族裔不平等现象,重点是法院个人行为者如何做出判决,但很少有学者研究过是否通过法律案件因素使差异制度化。根据4年的重罪法庭数据在审前拘留,定罪和监禁中发现种族和族裔不平等之后(N = 83,924),我们估计了非线性分解模型,以检验犯罪历史,指控,定罪和监禁,审前拘留方面的差异可以解释多少不平等现象。结果表明,白人非拉丁裔和黑人拉丁裔之间的不平等最大,其次是白人非拉丁裔和黑人非拉丁裔,审前拘留的概率差异在4至8个百分点以上,在非拉丁裔拉丁裔与黑人之间的差异为7-13个百分点。定罪,监禁5–6分,监禁相差4–10分。我们发现白人非拉丁裔和白人拉丁裔之间几乎没有区别。白人非拉丁美洲人与黑人之间在审前拘留,定罪和判刑方面的不平等现象的一半到四分之三是通过法律案件的原因来解释的。