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The Neighborhood Context of Eviction in Southern California
City & Community ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-17 , DOI: 10.1111/cico.12487
Michael C. Lens 1 , Kyle Nelson 2 , Ashley Gromis 3 , Yiwen Kuai 1

In the United States, soaring rent burdens and a dearth of affordable housing leave millions of renters at risk of eviction. The eviction epidemic is particularly pronounced in California where advocates estimate that approximately 500,000 renters are evicted annually. Research has looked at individual‐level determinants of evictions, but we know much less about the spatial dynamics of eviction and associations across neighborhoods. This is largely because data on evictions are sporadic and incomplete. We utilize data from American Information Research Services, Inc., that consists of publicly available California eviction court records for Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego Counties between 2005 and 2015. We append eviction locations to two waves of the American Community Survey (ACS) to better understand the connection between concentrated disadvantage and neighborhood change and eviction. We find that evictions are much more likely to occur in neighborhoods with higher poverty rates and/or shares of African‐American individuals than in neighborhoods with rising rent or income levels. These findings suggest that court‐based evictions are much more likely to be found in areas with low‐income households and racial minorities than in areas experiencing rapid neighborhood change as evidenced by rising rents or changing demographics.



在美国,高昂的房租负担和可负担住房的匮乏使数百万的房客面临被驱逐的风险。驱逐流行在加州尤为明显,据倡导者估计,每年约有500,000个房客被驱逐。研究着眼于逐级驱逐的决定因素,但我们对跨邻域的逐迁和关联的空间动态了解得很少。这主要是因为有关驱逐的数据是零星且不完整的。我们利用了美国信息研究服务公司(American Information Research Services,Inc.)的数据,该数据包括2005年至2015年之间加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,奥兰治,里弗赛德,圣贝纳迪诺和圣地亚哥县的公开驱逐法庭记录。我们将驱逐地点附加到两次美国社区调查(ACS)浪潮中,以更好地了解集中的不利条件与邻里变化和驱逐之间的联系。我们发现,在贫困率和/或非裔美国人比例较高的地区,迁徙的可能性要比在租金或收入水平不断上升的地区更高。这些发现表明,与低收入家庭和少数族裔地区相比,法院判决驱逐出境的可能性要高得多,而租金上涨或人口结构的变化证明,这些地区发生邻里快速变化。我们发现,在贫困率和/或非裔美国人比例较高的地区,迁徙的可能性要比在租金或收入水平不断上升的地区更高。这些发现表明,与低收入家庭和少数族裔地区相比,法院判决驱逐出境的可能性要高得多,而租金上涨或人口结构的变化证明,这些地区发生邻里快速变化。我们发现,在贫困率和/或非裔美国人比例较高的地区,迁徙的可能性要比在租金或收入水平不断上升的地区更高。这些发现表明,与低收入家庭和少数族裔地区相比,法院判决驱逐出境的可能性要高得多,而租金上涨或人口结构的变化证明,这些地区发生邻里快速变化。