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Decolonizing Childhoods: From Exclusion to Dignity Manfred Liebel Bristol: Policy Press, 2020. ISBN 978‐1447356400, 256 pp., £75.00 (hb)
Children & Society ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-30 , DOI: 10.1111/chso.12431
Andrea Cortés Saavedra 1

Decolonizing Childhoods: From Exclusion to Dignity critically engages with a contextualised understanding of childhood studies in the Global South. By offering an in‐depth description of the history of colonialism, postcolonial theory and childhood studies, Liebel questions dominant discourses about childhood considered as 'natural phenomena'; and critiques the still visible dependency relationships between the Global North and the Global South in the social structures in which children in non‐western countries interact. Premised on an understanding of the social and situated construction of childhoods and how they are shaped by social relations and cultural, historical and institutional contexts, the author unpacks the consequences of the power structures inherited from the European colonialisation in the childhoods of the Global South. In so doing, the manuscript presents the effects of the 'postcolonial power constellation' in the daily lives of children as well as how the legacy of colonialism has consequences in contemporary ways of thinking about children. Liebel seeks to highlight the various facets of childhoods of the Global South and thus critically examines the production of an ideal childhood from the Global North that stereotypes and excludes childhoods distanced from Eurocentric norms, categories and possibilities. The author, from reading across previous childhood research, makes an important contribution to childhood studies through an emphasis and positioning from theories gleaned from the Global South. To pursue this task, Liebel examines different types of geopolitical inequalities (between Global South and Global North), unequal generational power relations (children‐adults) and institutional relations.

One of the main strengths of the book is the detailed explanation of concepts, in epistemic, political, sociological and pragmatic terms. Liebel traces the origins and applicability of crucial notions of his argument such as citizenship, human rights, protection, participation and paternalism, and redefines meanings by attending to the specificities of childhoods in the Global South. Liebel picks up, compiles and systematises the contributions on postcolonial frameworks by various authors from the Global North and the Global South to make his case of the study of postcolonial childhoods. The richness of Liebel's work lies in the illuminating use of previous studies conducted in Latin America, Africa and the 'former' settler colonies of the British Empire. Liebel provides a much‐needed account concerning citizenship by questioning its notions limited to formal procedures and defined as a future status for children. Liebel coined the concept 'citizenship from below' to frame the decisive roles of children in which they 'influence societal processes and political decisions, not only in the future, but in the present' (p. 192).

The book provides insightful ways to engage with complex debates and often controversial discussions around children: their relationship with adults, their agency and their rights. For instance, Liebel queries the assumptions that children's lives are separated from the sphere of adults. Liebel moves, then, among different framings of children's agency raised by key authors within the field. He, for example, claims that a synthesis between an understanding of an 'ambiguous agency' and 'situated theories of agency' would be the most appropriate way of approaching to childhood agency constrained by unequal relationships. Regarding the debates on universalistic and cultural‐relativistic norms on children's rights, Liebel advocates universal principles in the protection of children. However, he problematises possible contradictions in the implementation of assumed yardsticks in social contexts that present cultural and historical elements that should not be avoided. Consequently, Liebel proposes that ‘children's rights cannot be only “implemented” but must be culturally “translated”’ (p. 147).

In order to provide a stronger set of narrative claims and orientations proposed by Liebel, it would have been interesting to know more about the author's experiences conducting fieldwork in the Global South. Liebel explained that Decolonizing Childhoods emerged as a project from his many years researching with children in Latin America and Africa, however, there is not enough reference to the cases in which the author was involved. The inclusion of more personal experiences and accounts could have generated an even more compelling argument. Besides, it would have helped to understand the positioning of, as Liebel presented himself in the Introduction of his book, ‘an adult who has grown up and lives in a European context (…) writing about children whose lives and experiences are very different from mine’ (p. 4).

This book is relevant to scholars, practitioners, policy‐makers and students investigating childhoods emerging in Global South; and these decolonial underpinnings are crucial to grasp childhood studies worldwide. Liebel gathers a varied set of studies and theoretical propositions that consider the needs and particularities of childhoods positioned outside the western idealisations.


非殖民化的童年:从排斥到尊严曼弗雷德·里贝尔·布里斯托尔:政策出版社,2020年。ISBN 978-1447356400,256页,£75.00(hb)





