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Relationships of young adults with foster care backgrounds: Tensions and management strategies
Child & Family Social Work ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-08 , DOI: 10.1111/cfs.12816
Elli‐Maria Tahkola 1 , Riitta‐Leena Metsäpelto 1 , Maria Ruohotie‐Lyhty 2 , Anna‐Maija Poikkeus 1

The present study focuses on experiences of relational tensions and management strategies in family relationships among 18 young adults with foster care backgrounds who participated in interviews. In the analysis drawing from relational dialectics, three main tensions were revealed in the participants' relationships with birth and foster family members or in their romantic relationships: the dialectics of emotional distance-closeness, integration-separation and sameness-otherness. In addition, the tension of the childhood dialectic of responsibility was identified in this study. The tensions were managed utilizing eight strategies. The findings highlight the importance of giving a voice to young adults who have experienced the complex web of relationships in at least two families and of sensitizing both birth and foster parents and other adults working with foster children and youth to these tensions in relationships.



本研究侧重于参与访谈的 18 名具有寄养背景的年轻人在家庭关系中的关系紧张和管理策略的经历。在关系辩证法的分析中,参与者与出生和寄养家庭成员的关系或他们的浪漫关系揭示了三种主要的紧张关系:情感距离-亲近、融合-分离和相同-他者的辩证法。此外,本研究还确定了童年责任辩证法的张力。使用八种策略来管理紧张局势。