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Racial Capital, Abolition, and a Geographic Argument for Reparations
Antipode ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-19 , DOI: 10.1111/anti.12704
Joshua F.J. Inwood 1 , Anna Livia Brand 2 , Elise Andrea Quinn 3

Tracing the development of Lehman Brothers from their roots as a dry goods store in Montgomery, Alabama, into a Fortune 500 global financial services company that collapsed in the 2007 financial crisis reveals the contours of US-style racial capitalism. We highlight how race and capital are geographically rooted in the United States. At the heart of our argument is an understanding of the geographic imperative of capital which creates and exploits differences to wrench capital’s profits from the blood, sweat, and toil of racialised bodies. Perhaps most geographically significant, we advance a second, interrelated argument, the geographic case for reparations. By arguing the system itself is entirely and wholly wrapped in race in ways that extend and advance practices of exploitation, we understand reparations that do not fundamentally undermine, transform, destabilise or smash the system as doomed to be short-term solutions to long-term structural problems.



追溯雷曼兄弟从其起源于阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利的一家干货店,到一家在 2007 年金融危机中倒闭的财富 500 强全球金融服务公司的发展历程,揭示了美国式种族资本主义的轮廓。我们强调种族和资本在地理上是如何植根于美国的。我们论点的核心是理解资本的地理势在必行,资本创造和利用差异,从种族化身体的鲜血、汗水和辛劳中榨取资本的利润。也许在地理上最重要,我们提出了第二个相互关联的论点,即赔偿的地理案例。通过争论系统本身以扩展和推进剥削实践的方式完全完全地包裹在种族中,我们理解赔偿不会从根本上破坏,