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Metelkova as Autonomous Heterotopia
Antipode ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-17 , DOI: 10.1111/anti.12677
Nathan Siegrist 1 , Håkan Thörn 2

This article examines conflicts concerning urban space, focusing on relationships between autonomous space and neoliberal urbanism through the empirical example of the cultural centre AKC Metelkova Mesto in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Through a thematic discourse analysis of activist interviews and collective statements by activist groups connected to Metelkova, research questions concern how urban conflict is constructed from the vantage point of autonomous space; what role autonomous space is assigned in relation to such conflict; and how tensions and antagonisms within the autonomous space can be understood. Theoretically we engage in a reinterpretation of the notion of heterotopia in conjunction with critical urban theory, analysing Metelkova as an autonomous heterotopia. Further, we argue that theoretisations of autonomous spaces need to consider experiences from Central and Eastern Europe, in which the conditions are shaped and constructed in conjunction with particular configurations of abruptly implemented neoliberal governance and the rise of the authoritarianism.



本文以斯洛文尼亚卢布尔雅那的文化中心AKC Metelkova Mesto的经验为例,研究了有关城市空间的冲突,着眼于自主空间与新自由主义城市主义之间的关系。通过对与Metelkova相关联的激进派访谈和激进派团体的集体陈述进行主题话语分析,研究问题涉及如何从自主空间的有利位置构建城市冲突。与这种冲突有关的自主空间分配了什么角色;以及如何理解自治空间内的紧张和对抗。从理论上讲,我们与批判性城市理论一起对异位症的概念进行了重新解释,将Metelkova分析为自主异位症。此外,我们认为,自治空间的理论需要考虑中欧和东欧的经验,在这些经验中,条件的形成和构造是与突然实行的新自由主义治理的特殊构型和专制主义的兴起相结合的。