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Backing the Blue in the Midst of COVID-19: Simultaneous Shared Trauma and the Effects of Coping in Law Enforcement Couples
Clinical Social Work Journal ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s10615-020-00782-9
Jasmin Collazo 1

The impact of the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, has placed a significant amount of stress on local and state law enforcement departments. In addition to responding to crimes, police officers now have additional responsibilities that include enforcing non-essential business closures, dispersing social gatherings, and maintaining order at testing sites and local hospitals, all while trying to preserve their own health. Spousal support serves a critical role in helping officers cope with occupational stressors. However, when both officer and spouse are being affected by the same traumatic event, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, this may bring additional challenges and opportunities to law enforcement couples and their mechanisms of coping. Little has been written on the effects of simultaneous shared trauma on the couple relationship. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to start a dialogue on these challenges and opportunities to serve as considerations for clinicians working with police officers and/or their spouses during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.


在 COVID-19 中支持蓝色:同时发生的共同创伤和应对执法夫妇的影响

新型冠状病毒(也称为 COVID-19)的影响给地方和州执法部门带来了巨大压力。除了应对犯罪之外,警察现在还有其他职责,包括强制关闭不必要的企业、驱散社交聚会、维持检测点和当地医院的秩序,同时努力保护自己的健康。配偶支持在帮助警官应对职业压力方面发挥着关键作用。但是,当警官和配偶都受到相同的创伤事件(例如 COVID-19 大流行)的影响时,这可能会给执法夫妇及其应对机制带来额外的挑战和机遇。关于同时共同的创伤对夫妻关系的影响,鲜有报道。