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Tangled compositions: Botany, agency, and authorship aboard HMS Endeavour
History of Science ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-22 , DOI: 10.1177/0073275320971109
Geoff Bil 1

By all accounts, James Cook's HMS Endeavour sojourn in Tahiti was a pivotal moment in Enlightenment engagements between Indigenous and European cultures. Among the voyage records that survive, the Endeavour draftsman Sydney Parkinson's Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas (1773) is widely viewed as anomalous for the depth and breadth of its interests in Indigenous Tahitian culture and plant knowledge. This essay complicates that view, with emphasis on the contingencies peculiar to the Journal's publication and to Parkinson's own authorial biography. Drawing on Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari's concept of the rhizome, I analyze Parkinson's account alongside the botanist Daniel Solander's historiographically underutilized "Plantae Otaheitenses" manuscript. In so doing, I offer an alternative reading of the Journal as archetypal rather than exceptional in its attention to Indigenous cultures and knowledges. At stake, I suggest, is an enhanced appreciation for Indigenous-European botanical engagements and for Enlightenment print culture more broadly, as well as for the nebulously adisciplinary and collaborative nature of Enlightenment natural history field practices.


纠结的作品:HMS Endeavor 上的植物学、代理和作者身份

众所周知,詹姆斯库克在大溪地的 HMS Endeavor 旅居是土著和欧洲文化之间启蒙运动的关键时刻。在幸存下来的航行记录中,奋进制图员悉尼·帕金森 (Sydney Parkinson) 的《南海航行日志》(Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas) (1773) 因其对大溪地土著文化和植物知识的兴趣的深度和广度而被广泛视为异常。这篇文章使这一观点复杂化,强调了《华尔街日报》出版和帕金森自己的作者传记所特有的偶然性。借鉴 Gilles Deleuze 和 Félix Guattari 的根茎概念,我分析了帕金森的描述以及植物学家 Daniel Solander 的历史学上未被充分利用的“Plantae Otaheitenses”手稿。这样做时,在对土著文化和知识的关注方面,我提供了另一种对《华尔街日报》的解读,它是典型的,而不是特殊的。我认为,危在旦夕的是对欧洲本土植物活动和更广泛的启蒙印刷文化以及启蒙自然历史领域实践的模糊的非学科和协作性质的更高评价。