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From the editors
European Journal of International Relations ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-08 , DOI: 10.1177/1354066120966076
Geoffrey Underhill , Luc Fransen , Annette Freyberg-Inan , Darshan Vigneswaran

We hope that this editorial finds our readers safe and well. Perhaps by the time this editorial appears relief will be on the horizon, rather as we in Europe thought at midsummer. The COVID-19 measures have slowed down our work somewhat, and we can also report that submissions are up some 40% in the past year. This development comes on top of a gratifying increase in our two-year and, more importantly, also our five-year impact factor as a journal. Both developments are wonderful news for the journal, demonstrating that the EJIR is as popular a repository as ever for both authors, readers, and for citations by appreciative scholars worldwide. However, this increased volume of manuscripts places even more competitive pressures on our authors. It also means that there is simply more editorial work to do for the same number of people, adding to the pressures of the pandemic, and thus we hope that our reviewers and authors will bear with us in terms of patience. We hope that we are maintaining the editorial standards to which we pledged ourselves when we took on the EJIR. We also are immensely grateful for the support of so many reviewers in these difficult times. As we have said before, our experience at the journal has been of the best side of peer review.


