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Editor’s Notes: Experimental Methodology
American Journal of Evaluation ( IF 1.507 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-05 , DOI: 10.1177/1098214020954305
George Julnes 1

This issue, 41(4), marks the end of my second year as editor of American Journal of Evaluation (AJE). It also marks the beginning of the organized sections that are being planned for the coming year. Many of these sections will be aligned with the seven AJE sections shown, with their editors, in the AJE Masthead: Book Reviews (Leslie Cooksy); Economic Evaluation (Brooks Bowden); Ethics, Values, and Culture (Jill Chouinard and Fiona Cram); Experimental Methodology (Laura Peck); International Developments in Evaluation (Zenda Ofir and Deborah Rugg); Method Notes (Tarek Azzam); and Teaching and Learning of Evaluation (Phung Pham and Anne Vo). The point of these defined sections is not that they represent the main areas for articles in the journal but rather that the issues addressed benefit from having expert evaluators who can curate important dialogues that are needed in the evaluation community. There are, however, many other topics affecting the evaluation community which warrant curated sections, and we encourage you to contribute both in suggesting important topics and in proposing special sections that you might like to organize. To do so, please contact me (ajeeditor@ubalt.edu), one of our section editors, or one of our associate editors (Jori Hall, Sebastian Lemire, Apollo Nkwake, Gregory Phillips, II, and Justus Randolph).



本期第 41(4) 期标志着我作为美国评估杂志 (AJE) 编辑的第二年结束。它还标志着为来年计划的有组织的部分的开始。其中许多部分将与 AJE 标头:书评(Leslie Cooksy)中显示的七个 AJE 部分及其编辑保持一致;经济评估(布鲁克斯鲍登);道德、价值观和文化(Jill Chouinard 和 Fiona Cram);实验方法(Laura Peck);评估的国际发展(Zenda Ofir 和 Deborah Rugg);方法说明(Tarek Azzam);评价的教学和学习(Phung Pham 和 Anne Vo)。这些定义部分的重点不是它们代表期刊文章的主要领域,而是所解决的问题受益于专家评估人员,他们可以策划评估社区所需的重要对话。但是,还有许多其他影响评估社区的主题需要策划部分,我们鼓励您在建议重要主题和提出您可能想要组织的特殊部分方面做出贡献。为此,请联系我 (ajeeditor@ubalt.edu)、我们的一位编辑或一位副编辑(Jori Hall、Sebastian Lemire、Apollo Nkwake、Gregory Phillips, II 和 Justus Randolph)。我们鼓励您在建议重要主题和提出您可能想组织的特殊部分方面做出贡献。为此,请联系我 (ajeeditor@ubalt.edu)、我们的一位编辑或一位副编辑(Jori Hall、Sebastian Lemire、Apollo Nkwake、Gregory Phillips, II 和 Justus Randolph)。我们鼓励您在建议重要主题和提出您可能想组织的特殊部分方面做出贡献。为此,请联系我 (ajeeditor@ubalt.edu)、我们的一位编辑或一位副编辑(Jori Hall、Sebastian Lemire、Apollo Nkwake、Gregory Phillips, II 和 Justus Randolph)。