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9/11 Truth and the Silence of the IR Discipline
Alternatives: Global, Local, Political ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-27 , DOI: 10.1177/0304375419898334
David A. Hughes 1

International Relations (IR) scholars uncritically accept the official narrative regarding the events of 9/11 and refuse to examine the massive body of evidence generated by the 9/11 truth movement. Nevertheless, as calls for a new inquiry into the events of 9/11 continue to mount, with the International 9/11 Consensus Panel and World Trade Centre Building 7 Evaluation inquiries having recently published their findings, and with a U.S. Federal Grand Jury on 9/11 having been announced, now would be an opportune moment for IR scholars to start taking the claims of 9/11 truth seriously. A survey of the 9/11 truth literature reveals that the official 9/11 narrative cannot be supported at multiple levels. Two planes did not bring down three towers in New York. There is no hard evidence that Muslims were responsible for 9/11 other than in a patsy capacity. Various U.S. government agencies appear to have had foreknowledge of the events and to have covered up evidence. Important questions regarding the hijacked planes need answering, as do questions about the complicity of the mainstream media in 9/11. IR scholars avoid looking at evidence regarding the events of 9/11 for several reasons. They may be taken in by the weaponized term, “conspiracy theory.” A taboo on questioning the ruling structures of society means that individuals do not wish to fall outside the spectrum of acceptable opinion. Entertaining the possibility that 9/11 was a false flag requires Westerners to reject fundamental assumptions that they have been socialized to accept since birth. The “War on Terror” has created a neo-McCarthyite environment in which freedom to speak out has been stifled. Yet, if IR scholars are serious about truth, the first place they need to start is 9/11 truth.


9/11 IR 纪律的真相和沉默

国际关系 (IR) 学者不加批判地接受有关 9/11 事件的官方叙述,并拒绝审查 9/11 真相运动产生的大量证据。尽管如此,随着对 9/11 事件进行新调查的呼声不断增加,国际 9/11 共识小组和世界贸易中心 7 号楼评估调查最近公布了他们的调查结果,美国联邦大陪审团于 9 /11 已经宣布,现在将是 IR 学者开始认真对待 9/11 真相主张的好时机。对 9/11 真相文献的调查显示,官方的 9/11 叙述不能在多个层面得到支持。两架飞机没有击落纽约的三座塔楼。没有确凿的证据表明穆斯林对 9/11 事件负有责任,但他们的身份是不负责任的。各个美国政府机构似乎都对这些事件有所预知,并掩盖了证据。关于被劫持飞机的重要问题需要回答,关于 9/11 中主流媒体的同谋问题也需要回答。出于多种原因,IR 学者避免查看有关 9/11 事件的证据。他们可能会被武器化的术语“阴谋论”所接受。质疑社会统治结构的禁忌意味着个人不希望超出可接受的意见范围。认为 9/11 是假旗的可能性要求西方人拒绝他们自出生以来就已被社会化接受的基本假设。“反恐战争”创造了一种新麦卡锡主义的环境,言论自由被扼杀了。然而,如果 IR 学者认真对待真相,他们首先需要开始的是 9/11 真相。