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Building a Catholic church in 1950s Ireland: architecture, rhetoric and landscape in Dromore, Co. Cork, 1952–6
Rural History ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-23 , DOI: 10.1017/s0956793320000126
Richard J. Butler

This article explores the intellectual culture of Catholic architectural production in 1950s Ireland through the study of a church-building project in rural West Cork. It analyses the phenomenon of the Irish ‘church-building priest’ in terms of their socio-economic background, fundraising abilities, and position within rural communities – in the context of significant rural emigration and economic stagnation. It also considers the role that the Irish countryside played in conditioning clerical understandings of architectural style and taste, and priests’ political readings of the rural landscape. Furthermore, it explores the phenomenon of Marianism in church design and ornamentation around the time of the international ‘Marian Year’ of 1954, and the political meanings of the rhetoric employed by clerics at church consecration ceremonies. The article concludes with reflections on social and economic aspects of Irish rural life and religious expression in a decade primarily understood as one of cultural insularity and conservative Catholicism.


在 1950 年代爱尔兰建造天主教堂:1952–6 年,科克郡德罗莫尔的建筑、修辞和景观

本文通过对西科克乡村的一个教堂建筑项目的研究,探讨了 1950 年代爱尔兰天主教建筑生产的知识文化。它从社会经济背景、筹款能力和在农村社区中的地位——在大量农村移民和经济停滞的背景下,分析了爱尔兰“教会建设牧师”的现象。它还考虑了爱尔兰乡村在调节文职人员对建筑风格和品味的理解以及牧师对乡村景观的政治解读方面所起的作用。此外,它探讨了 1954 年国际“玛丽安年”期间教堂设计和装饰中的玛丽安主义现象,以及神职人员在教堂开光仪式上使用的修辞的政治意义。