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Developing communities: the Ford Foundation and the global urban crisis, 1958–66
Journal of Global History ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-28 , DOI: 10.1017/s1740022820000200
Sam Collings-Wells

Between 1958 and 1966 the Ford Foundation embarked on a series of pilot projects of ‘urban community development’ in India and the United States. This article will highlight how both of these programmes emerged in response to what Ford officials understood to be a global urban crisis, caused by the migration of ‘backward’ rural populations into the cities. Rather than modernizing under the pressure of urban living, these newcomers appeared to be pooling into pockets of underdevelopment – ‘ghettos’ in the United States and ‘slums’ in India. Ford sought to tackle the problem by encouraging the participation of these marginalized communities in the process of urban renewal, a strategy intended to engineer the psychological modernization of their residents. In practice, however, Ford struggled to control the channels into which these mobilizations flowed, with poor urban residents utilizing the projects to push for radical changes concerning housing, policing, and tenant–landlord relations.



1958 年至 1966 年间,福特基金会在印度和美国开展了一系列“城市社区发展”试点项目。本文将重点介绍这两个项目是如何出现的,以应对福特官员所理解的全球城市危机,这是由“落后”的农村人口向城市迁移造成的。这些新来者并没有在城市生活的压力下进行现代化改造,而是涌入了欠发达地区——美国的“贫民窟”和印度的“贫民窟”。福特试图通过鼓励这些边缘化社区参与城市更新过程来解决这个问题,该策略旨在设计其居民的心理现代化。然而在实践中,