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Monarchy is a feminist issue: Andrew, Meghan and #MeToo era monarchy
Women's Studies International Forum ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.wsif.2020.102435
Laura Clancy , Hannah Yelin

For a brief period, discourses of feminism were brought into discussions of the British royal family through the figure of Meghan Markle. Such a conjuncture demands a closer look at the monarchy's relationship to feminism. This article considers the figure of a ‘feminist princess’ in the context of an inherently antifeminist institution and alongside the deeply antifeminist figure of the ‘wayward prince’ - both specifically in the case of sexual abuse accusations against Prince Andrew, and historically in mythic stock representations from history and folklore. In so doing, we reveal the limits to the feminist discourses possible ‘from within’ the monarchical institution. We argue that monarchy relies upon interwoven structures of colonialism, capitalism, patriarchy, and racism, and as such is incompatible with feminism's work towards dismantling intersecting systems of oppression. No amount of royal campaigns for ‘women's issues’ can elide the fact that the very existence of the monarchy is a feminist issue.



在很短的时间内,通过梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)的形象,女权主义话题被带入了英国王室的讨论中。这样的关头要求仔细研究君主制与女权主义的关系。本文考虑了固有的反女权制度背景下的“女权公主”的形象,以及“任性王子”的反女权主义者的形象-既针对针对安德鲁王子的性虐待指控,也针对历史上的神话故事历史和民俗的表征。通过这样做,我们揭示了“从君主制内部”可能出现的女权主义话语的局限性。我们认为,君主制依赖于殖民主义,资本主义,父权制和种族主义的交织结构,因此与女权主义不相容。致力于消除相交的压迫体系。皇室为“妇女问题”进行的大量竞选活动都不能掩盖君主专制的存在本身就是一个女性主义问题的事实。
